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LIFE AID MALAWI's primary focus is to improve health and living conditions for the people living in some of the poorest parts of Malawi.
In Malawi, 85% of Schools lack safe drinking water and the majority of them are based in rural areas where source of water is wells (springs). These sources of water are not very well constructed and cared for, which makes them sources of diseases e.g Cholera, Dysentery and Diarrhea. Many children have lost their lives due to these unhygienic practices and lack of medication. LIFE AID MALAWI believes that by producing a program to treat this water with appropriate chemicals will help children and communities around to drink uncontaminated water. This program provides temporary protection to kids and communities surrounding the schools as we need to sanitize the whole system permanently.
Majority of schools have no government funding hence use pit latrines with lack of propper planning, construction and care. Most of them attract flies and insects that can easily transmit diseases. Schools faces challanges of overpopulation and latrines fill up quickly. LIFE AID MALAWI plan to treat these latrines with cemicals to kill germs, control smell and make them free from insects that can transmit diseases. To ensure good sanitation, LIFE AID MALAWI, would like to introduce hand wash facilities in all school toilets to minimize users risk of infection.
This type of project has never been tried in Malawi before. LIFE AID MALAWI hopes that by its nature of operation, the project will help large amounts of people, while it ensures the minimum cost of the projects and operations.

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