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Hiz 2 Kommand is Monica Bracken and one of her two brothers Maurice. Monica has several aliases, "Sista" the actress/singer and "Lil Sis" the rapper. Monica was born on January 12th in Toledo, Ohio. She was raised in a Pentecostal church since infancy where she learned the principals and foundations of her faith. Monica accepted Christ in her life at the age of 10. She sang in church choirs and ensembles lifting up the name of Jesus. She is the daughter of Pastor Betty Bracken of the Redeeming Temple Church, Inc in Toledo, Ohio (established in 1996). In her mother's organization (True Faith Ministries under Bishop Leanza Ford in Cleveland, Ohio) is where she ventured out as a soloist under the unction of spiritual inspiration to minister through music. She then went on to receive professional training in vocal instruction and theatre/acting to enhance her abilities so she could be a great asset to the organization. Her brother (Moziz) wrote the lyrics and engineered the music for the choir and that is she began to expand her abilities leading the choir, singing solos and performing in local theatre and film. Lil'Sis is a dynamite singer/song writer/actress. Eight years his junior, she gladly lends her vocal talents and opinions to every project and even composed one herself entitled "Bounce To It" which is one of her brother's favorite. Not being selfish, she graciously allowed her older brother's childhood friend to sing lead on another song he wrote call "Please Say a Prayer". She has been cast in movies, commercials and most recently several musicals at the historical Valentine Theatre in downtown Toledo. They are "The Night Before Christmas (the complete story)", "South Pacific" and "Guy and Dolls" and others. She and her brother have won numerous competitions around the city and have travelled as far as Akron, Detroit and Cleveland. The groups motto is "Hiz 2 Kommand is His to command!"Moziz (pronounced Moses) and Lil Sis are natural and spiritual brother and sister. Using talents on loan from God, he has been able to arrange music, write countless songs, poems and short stories and plays. Born in Cleveland on June 20th, he actually grew up in Toledo where he was raised under the Pentecostal faith. He sang in the church choir at a young age and later in his terms in the United States Army, he first attempted to do Holy Hip Hop Rap while in Germany. Upon his release from the military, he has been a member of his mother's church where he continues to write songs. He is a Sunday School Teacher and Elder at their church in Toledo, OH. Both are members of Redeeming Temple Church, Inc. (located at 2940 Elm Street, Toledo, Ohio 43608) under the direction of Pastor Betty Bracken. Moziz, or Elder as he is called at church, has been in charge of the youth department for over 10 years. He wrote his first gospel rap at age 10 over 25 years ago. However, it was quickly declined at the church he attended at that time. Which turned out to be a good thing. His influences were Run-DMC, LL Cool J, Whodini, Kool Moe Dee and the Fat Boys. Six years later, he formed a secular group call Lew & the Crew while in high school and boasted a fan club of over 120 members. They did shows at Toledo University, The Elks Lodge, and public outings in and around bus stops. One of the other members later formed a gospel rap group call CHRIST M.O.B.B. After he graduated high school, he went on to the military and after a stint stateside was shipped to Germany. While in Stuttgart,in 1991 & 1992 he began to rap for the non-denominational church on base and was even the headlined on a local cruise. On the upcoming CD's Moziz has been blessed to write, orchestrate and compose over 95% of all the material. Truly God is good. He currently hosts an annual gospel outreach concert every year in Toledo where he is good friends with Christylez, a former member of Christ Mobb. The concerts has hosted many gospel artists from the Lansing Mi. to Cleveland, Oh.