Profile Generator
Just a quick note about FRIEND REQUESTS and MESSAGES. If you want to add me, please send me a message detailing exactly who you are and why I should add you. Poor English, grammar and spelling will not help your case. I generally only add people I know.
I'm very much in a happy relationship and have no interest in dating, sharing photos, or listening to rubbish about how amazing your appendage apparently is. Don't bother, I can guarantee I won't find it impressive.
If you genuinely want to get to know me as a friend, then fair enough, tell me about yourself first, but I make no promises as I value real life friends far more than internet friends.
Cheers for reading.
Just one of my many drawings and paintings - MY FEET!
I removed the deviant art link as a lot of my stuff on there is pants.
I'm Izzy, I'm 21. I'm an eccentric introvert and keep myself to myself though there are some things I'm prepared to share, such as the things which are pretty darned obvious!
I'm currently studying for my Fine Art degree at ELIHE. Well when I say studying I mean drawing pictures and jetting around the world visiting art galleries. Though my true passions lie elsewhere, I hope to eventually train as a nurse and do something worthwile.
The rest of the time I read huge numbers of books, walk my dog and play The Sims 2, because I'm a big geek at heart.
Though hopefully I'll soon add biking to my hobbies, watch out this summer as I should be on the roads riding as well as driving.
I also like to write, I'll occassionally blog for the masses to read -
But most of my writing is letters, very long and convoluted letters, sometimes to nobody!
I enjoy staying at home cuddled up with my man and my bunnies and a good book providing they don't eat it first! I also like to going for coffee and to the pub with friends. I love travelling..... I've been to canada, peru, lapland, america, germany, spain, france, belgium, holland, malta, italy, kenya.... the list goes on.... I plan to conquer all the continents, I have asia, australasia and antartica left to go to...
This video is fantastic, 13 Ways To Kill a Sim, the music is fabulously timed! by ThreeAvocados.