People who have excellent suggestions for going out to see the world.
2007 Possibilities and Suggestions
Scubadiving in Hawaii
Taking a roadtrip with my jetski to Florida(friends)
Go Hang Gliding
Watch a Space shuttle launch in Florida
Visit the Grand Canyon
Take road trips to visit friends I've never met in person
Current music on phone:
Barlow Girl - How Can We Be Silent
The Benjamin Gate - Untitled
Falling Up - Exit Lights
Recent iPod additions:
Amelie soundtrack
Final Fantasy - Voices of the Lifestream
KT Tunstall - Drastic Fantastic
The last movie I saw in the theater was The Bourne Ultimatum .
The last movie I saw at home was Partition .
Currently Watching:
Bleach ,
Claymore ,
Darker Than Black ,
Family Guy ,
Heroes ,
Romeo x Juliet ,
Currently reading:
Ordinary Men Called by God: A Study of Abraham, Moses, and David ,