Aizelle profile picture


...its d possibLty of havin a drim cum tru dat makes Lyf intrsting...

About Me

.:pOeTs OfTn dScrYb Luv aS aN eMtiOn dT wE cNt cntrL, OnE dT ovrwHeLmz Logc aNd cOmMn sEns. dAtz wAt iT wAS Lyk 4mE. i dDnt pLaN on fALLng nLuv wD u, nD i dOubT iF u pLaNnd on faLLng nLuv wD mE. bT oNce wE mEt, iT WaS cLiR dAt NeidEr oF uS cUd cnTrL wT wAs hApEniN 2uS. wE feL nLuv, dEspyt OuR dFereNces, nD oNce wE diD, sUmtHn rAre nD bEautFL wS cReaTd. fOr mE, LuV Lyk DaT hS hApEnd onLy oNce, Nd dAtz y EvrY mnUte wE spEnt 2gdEr hAs biN sEarD in mY meMry. iL nvEr 4gEt a sNgLe mOmnt oF it:.jz chek my frndstr..

My Interests

bLue and pink.... teddy bears... hmm.. enthn..

I'd like to meet:

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RnB,aLternativ,pop.. sOngs of... simpLe pLan, . LifehOuse, . bOyz II mEn, . usHer, . iNcubUs, . vErticaL hOrizOn, . dame pa.. sum sOngz dt i Lyk ryt nOw.. hAngiNg by a mOmeNt nd u&meby LifeHouSe, . i miss yOu by bOyz II men, . Let mE gO by 3 dOOrs dOwn, . i cUd nOt ask 4mOr by edwin mccAin.. hehe.. La Lng..


mouLin rouge, save d Lst dans, crazy/beautiful, she's all that!! a cindereLLa story(chad!), secret garden, notting hill, clueless, 10 things i h8 abt u, city of angels, 'd notebook




'd notebook & message in a bOttLe [bOoks bY nicHoLas sParKs..] harry pOtter series esp HP4.. five people you meet in heaven.. the alchemist.. handyman.. shopahoLic series..