Andy and the Rockers(tm) profile picture

Andy and the Rockers(tm)

About Me

NOTE: Our band is currently in the process of booking our shows for 2009. For more information on availability please email us at: or call us (270)792-3414 (Buddy)Brother Dave: Original Song by Tony Tanaro
..Our first attempt to play: Rock and Roll by Led Zeppelin
..Snippet of Mustang Sally with Ryan Stiles on Sax at Whabah
.. No Sympathy: original song by Andrea Tanaro

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My Interests


Member Since: 23/08/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:

Andrea Tanaro (Vocals, Harmonica);
Tony Tanaro (Lead and Slide Guitar, Vocals);
Clint Childress (Lead Guitar, Vocals);
Randy Thomas (Bass Guitar);
Buddy Steen (Drums);
Chris Allen(Keyboard, Vocals)

Influences: WAY WAY TOO MANY TO LIST! However, I think it is safe to say that Ray Charles would be on Andy's list! Clint grew up peeking out from under the bed while the Kentucky Headhunters learned how to play their instruments in his basement. If I had to pick one artist that influenced Tony, I'd have to say Queen's guitarist and now astrophysicist Dr. Brian May would be a safe bet. I know for a fact that Buddy will mention John Bonham, Neil Peart and Alex VanHalen. I'll have to check with the rest of the guys....stay tuned!
Sounds Like:

Who do we sound like? Heck, y'all tell us!

Our new CD is just about finished!

Keep checking in on our web site:

Also, you can send your email feedback to us at:

Record Label: In progress
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Check out this video: Brother Dave (Original Song by Tony Tanaro)

Check out this video: Brother Dave (Original Song by Tony Tanaro) ..Add to My Profile | More Videos
Posted by on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 20:46:00 GMT