..Our first attempt to play: Rock and Roll by Led Zeppelin
..Snippet of Mustang Sally with Ryan Stiles on Sax at Whabah
.. No Sympathy: original song by Andrea Tanaro
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Member Since: 23/08/2007
Band Website: andyandtherockers.com
Band Members:
Andrea Tanaro (Vocals, Harmonica);
Tony Tanaro (Lead and Slide Guitar, Vocals);
Clint Childress (Lead Guitar, Vocals);
Randy Thomas (Bass Guitar);
Buddy Steen (Drums);
Chris Allen(Keyboard, Vocals)
Who do we sound like? Heck, y'all tell us!
Our new CD is just about finished!
Keep checking in on our web site: www.andyandtherockers.com
Also, you can send your email feedback to us at: AndreaTanaro@yahoo.com