I often find myself partaking in personality tests to see if i really am the person i think myself to be. Then I realize that these "tests" were probably produced by people who have even more time on their hands than I do.
So here are a few things that I do understand about myself:
I hate talking about myself.
I have a hard time letting people in, which is mostly why I don't talk about myself.
Even though I am fully aware of that fact, I deny that I am mysterious.
I sliced my forehead open on a nail when I was 5 because i decided it was a good idea to run in and out of the house.
I got a chalkboard for my 6th birthday and wondered where it went when I moved to the U.S. (I wish i could've taken it on the plane.)
My middle sister once got a lego jewelry box for her birthday. When my older sister asked if she could play with it I said no. I STILL feel bad for it. (Sorry Neyshmi)
I used to ask about death all the time when i was about 7 or 8.
I wondered what breaking a bone would feel like.
Outside of my family,I don't let myself love too much.
I love helping out others.
I believe that if something is important enough, you shouldn't have to write it down. It's the reason why I don't keep a journal.
I refuse to completely be a "normal" college kid.
I know what I want to do with my life, but feel as though all the good luck I've had will run out.
This has gone on for entirely too long