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About Me

Chatham county students it is time for us to make a stand. These four years in High School we are told stand up for what we believ in if there is something that we can fix fix it. This time has come. Guys an election is coming up for the future leader of your country. Obama is our man. Our school system tries so hard to keep polotics out that should just make you wonder why. Check out OBama you should be impressed we finally have someone real trying to get in office. A man who is not a polotician but a person. A man wh can make historic turnouts occur at a caucus.Barack Obama's father was from keny and his mother was from kansas. His parents divorced when he was two he saw his father once before he died. His mother remarried and they moved two indonesia for 4 years. He later returned to the US to live with his grandparents. With the help of scholarships he got through college.He has helped alot in chicago he whent to law school to help chicago. He registered over 100000 new voters. He taught at columbia university. Most of his time is spent with his family. He became part of the US senate in 2004. High Schoolers of Savannah support this amazing man.Meet Barack

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My Interests

Obama is here to help with energy and the enviroment. He is working to get the gas prices down and is doing everything in his power to do that.Senator Barack Obama at Georgia Tech

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I'd like to meet:

"I dont oppose all wars. And i know that in this crowd today, there is not a shortage or patriots, or of patriotism. What i am opposed to is a dumb war. What i am opposed to is a rash war."He wants to strengthen americans overseas by taking weapons from terrorists, stopping nuclear terrorism, ending conflict in congo, and stopping genocide in Darfur.


Obama is very much trying to help the poor. He has set up job training programs for the unemployed and after school programs for the kids. He is very much in support of unions. His goals are to expand medical leave help the common man and create a living wage.Democrat/Republican IX: Obama

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"I...believe that every American has the right to affordable health care. I believe that the millions of Americans who can't take their children to a doctor when they get sick have that right...We now face an opportunity - and an obligation - to turn the page on the failed politics of yesterday's health care debates. It's time to bring together businesses, the medical community, and members of both parties around a comprehensive solution to this crisis, and it's time to let the drug and insurance industries know that while they'll get a seat at the table, they don't get to buy every chair."-Barack Obama, Speech in Iowa City, IA, 5/27/07Debate '08: Obama Girl vs. Giuliani Girl

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When it comes to education he wants to increase funding, make college affordable, expand early childhood education, pay teachers more, reform no child left behind, and expand summer learning oppertunities.{ Go Tell Mama! } a simple message

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When it comes to our homeland he wants o protect chemical plants, keep track of nuclear fuel, keep drinking water safe, reunte families, protact from radioactivity, and evacuates special needs populations in emergencies.Barack Obama, My Life

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Protecting our borders he was to make them more secure, take away incentives to come in illegaly, honor the immigrant troops.Obama also wants to shelter, give benefits, feeding and help our vets.obama mama says vote for you

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