this company is all about making small amounts of things so you can have something no one else has!!!!!
We have been talking about this for a while and we proudly present to you pig cloth!!!!!!!!
dig it!!!!!
from us::
Many people think that you have to be this perfect flawless person to be loved by God. I have heard so many stories from kids that think that God doesn't love them because they smoke, or cuss or like to drink or "party" or think "bad" thoughts or judge people. But i have news for you.. HE DOES!! Being able to go on the road has given me the opportunity to talk to so many people and hear so many great stories and i am SO greatful for that but it makes me so sad to hear what kids think they have to be to have the Lord in there lives. Don't think you have to change the way you live or talk or eat or the change things you like all you need to do is have faith. I am not saying its ok to do some things that you may be doing but thats between you and God and NO one else. We have an understanding God ... I am here to tell you, YOU ARE loved!! You can be a God loving person and serve the Lord no matter what you do, have done ,or will do or whatever it is thats holding you back from thinking that you cant live life and have God be apart of it. In time you will learn what God expects of us.... God said "come as you are with a faith of a little child" (which means kids believe santa clause and the tooth fairy are real they believe in them SO strongly. Even though they cant see them but they believe that they are SO real and God ask us to have the faith of a child to believe in him 100 percent no matter what. A childs faith is undying, unwavering and thats how we should be to our Lord. We are all sinners! its not just you, PROMISE! So please stop thinking you are alone and that God can't hear your prayers Because hes Bigger than that and hes always always there! Also understand that our God is not this outdated older man sitting on a cloud (ha) and isnt going to understand you.. He DOES! talk to God as you would talk to your best friend. He is the best Listener!!! )NEW STUFF ON SALE NOW!!!!!
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