if you're interested in tinfoil art, know that I am open to commissions! in the gallery you can see the sculptures I've made so far, so the only thing you need to do is contact me about the details ;)
clanak 1 - za vrijeme sviranja u ansamblu viola se drzi u lijevoj ruci, a gudalo u desnoj.
clanak 2 - violist se (fizicki) smije obracunati samo sa predsjednikom i potpredsjednikom Upravnog vijeca i sa koncertmajstorom i to samo u slucaju da se violist ne slaze sa (njihovom) interpretacijom djela i uvjeren je u svoju interpretaciju.
clanak 3 - violistima je dopusteno svirati falsch ako su sigurni u svojoj intonaciji sukladno sa svojim mogucnostima.
clanak 4 - ukoliko clan dionice viola povremeno zavibrira, ima pravo na povisicu u iznosu od 20% uz uredno prilozene dokaze i dokumente o tome. dokazi se prikupljaju u kancelariji radnim danom do 16 h.
clanak 5 - zabranjena je bilo kakva promjena zica ili slicni zahvati na instrumentu tijekom sezone.
clanak 6 - violist koji kasni duzan je o tome obavijestiti kolegu, tako da i on zakasni.
I've been playing viola for 16 years, been to many competitions, but there are still many things that I have to master and that fascinate me......
I'll update the compositions regularly, since I'm practising them every day - and they get better day by day. alas, my recorder is horrendous, so I ask of you not to be too judgemental about the quality of the record. one day, I'll record the material in professional studio and remedy this.
I'm open to musical cooperation - you just need to ask! and provide recorded material if you have some, of course.
also, have a moment and enjoy Mozart's "Zauberflöte" shrinked to a few minutes! Victor Borge makes it all a joke:
this is one of my tinfoil sculptures - go at my gallery at DeviantART and have a look.
Vulture griffin by ~ Koh-I-Noor on deviant ART
Hypnotic Illusion is a good friend of mine, and this is her photomanipulation of my viola. she really did this well, I must admit.
Music Awaits by ~ HypnoticIllusion on deviant ART