Well im 19 years old (finally)feel like ive been waiting forever,I've just passed my A levels in graphics design at burton college,and am know doing my degree also at burton college so i'll be a huge well known graphics designer and all you bastards that hate me will be working in mcdonalds earning diddly squat lol sorry im really not that evil.Although i am well known by all my freinds as a vulgar bastard i just cant help it,it comes naturally it's like a second language.im a huge fan of hellokitty and pucca,plus i absolutely fuckin love lee evans he cracks me the fuck up.I love watching movies and listening to music generally just like sitting around on my fat arse doing nothing(lazy bastard).When i do decide to do something u'll more then likely find me at home with my housemates cus they rock or doing my new found hobby drinking myself to death.U can add me as a friend cus im just well awesome!!(BIGHEAD).k so looking forward to talking to u oh n if ur a chav dont add me thats all lol
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