I have poor people skills. Kinda shy at first usually, sometimes shy even after knowing ya for a while, haha. I have TERRIBLE ANXIETY, GAH. I over-think just about everything... trying to find a way to calm this storm in my head down. I apologize for everything. Being pet and having my head scratched is the best, mrow. It slows the constant thinking in my head for a while. I like to cook, and am happy when people like it. Starting to draw more again and want to be doing it a lot like I used to. I miss it... I needs hugs. Sometimes I feel weird being too serious so I say things in a silly way. I love fooooooood. I guess I'm pretty weird, but that's fun. :3
.. My art page
My Store: It's empty now... Gunna try to update it soon
These are my rides.
nom nom nom.
I want horns.