I am currently in business with the LARGEST Financial Services company in the WORLD
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I am looking for sharp individuals in the South Florida area, that may be looking for opportunity to make extra income or a possible career change. If you are that person, please feel free to email me...
American Heroes
Add to My Profile | More VideosThanks for making our home a safe place to sleep in....
Miami Bass, Break Beats, Old Skool, Nu Skool, Prog, Retro, Hip Hop, Rock, Jazz...Sharaz, Icey, Baby Anne, Debbie D, R Fresh, Bruce Wilcox, Magic Mike, Dynamix II, Afrika Bambataa, The Freshest Kids, Melle Mel, Cold Crush Brothers, Run DMC (RIP Jam Master J), Ozzy Osbourne, Slayer, Mudvayne, Slip Knot, Depeche Mode, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, LL Cool J, When In Rome, Erasure, A Ha, U2, DJ Ariees, DJ Gumby, DJ Infiniti, Merlyn, DJ Jam Master J, Biggie, Tu Pac, Eric B & Rakim, Enya, Jimmy Buffett, Trinere...way too many artists to list...
Sundays or Mondays. TILL I DIE TROUGH THICK AND THIN! Go Fins.
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