Information Digitall Dogg Productions was found in 2008 by its owner Ivan Polikarpov a.k.a. Vaness. DDP presents any kind of beats including hip-hop, r'n'b, crunk, dirty south, dancehall, reggaeton etc. All beats are exclusive.
There are 2 ways to get DDP's beat:
1) You can buy it for ($50-$300). Payments should be wire through the Western Union. After words I'll send you beat by e-mail or file sharing system.
2) If I really like your tracks you could get my beat for free, but you must promote DDP on your myspace page, web site, cd cover etc. (banner or logo)
Thanks for visiting Digitall Dogg Productions' myspace page, don't forget to add to friends.
Peace, One Love.
Contact me: [email protected]
DOWNLOAD 6 FREE BEATS PACK by Digitall Dogg Productions
Click here to download 013 beat FOR FREE!
Click here to download 017 beat FOR FREE!
Click here to download 018 beat FOR FREE!
Click here to download 019 beat FOR FREE!
Click here to download 020 beat FOR FREE!
Click here to download 022 beat FOR FREE!
Digitall Dogg ProductionsTop Friends
DJ Prosha
DJ N-Tone
Em Daddy
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