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About Me

Magnus Bage received his diploma from the Royal College of Music in Stockholm in 1994 after performing Mozarts flute concerto in G Major with the Swedish Radio Orchestra and has since then been a sought-after soloist and chamber musician.
He has also worked in many Swedish symphony orchestras and in 2006 he left his solo position in the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra in Norway to devote himself for a solo career, chamber music and composition.
Several Swedish composers have composed for Magnus Båge, and in September 2005 he premiered the flute concerto ”Shimmering Blue” by Rolf Martinsson. The swedish composer Jan Sandström has also written a fluteconcerto for Magnus, a commission from the DalaSinfoniettan, Umeå Sinfonietta and the Swedish Chamber Orchestra.
The concerto by Sandström was a great success and very well received by the audience and the orchestra. The premiers were in march in Dalarna and in Örebro in april 2009. (Read more at
In november 2008 he performed with Gävle Symphony Orchestra in The Concerthall in Stockholm. 2010 he will perform again with Shimmering Blue with Uppsala Chamber Orchestra.Magnus’ invention, ”the Expression slide”, creates possibilities to make flute effects never heard before. Rolf Martinsson is the the first composer to use this invention, in his flute concerto ”Shimmering Blue” and is continually used in the fluteconcerto by Sandström and others.The first solo CD by Magnus Båge (FLUTE MUSIC, SFZ 1005) was released in 2003 and has been praised by several critics in Sweden and abroad. The famous flautist Sir James Galway has said that "This is a real knockout recording… not another flute record but a milestone in flute playing.” The recording with Shimmering Blue together with Malmö Symphony Orchestra (OPEN MIND, DAPHNE 1029), 2007, has also got very fine reviews from Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and several others.

My Interests


Member Since: 23/08/2007
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Record Label: SFZ Records, Daphne
Type of Label: Indie

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Posted by on Tue, 11 Aug 2009 06:58:00 GMT


Dear friends! Welcome to my myspace, thanks for listening! Big Love from Magnus
Posted by on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 16:26:00 GMT