2010 Resolutions:
- Loose weight/get healthy.
- Get good results in HSC.
- Do well at School.
- Learn French.
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Supp, my names Rhianna, you probably won't pronounce it right. so that's why i introduce myself as RHEE :). Seventeen. :)
Hum, im pretty much always happy, always have a smile on my face :). it annoys me when people are rude, and i can't stand noises when im trying to sleep. hate hate hate animal cruelty and poverty. also can't stand inconsiderate and ungreatful people. i love alot of things, like fruit :) yumm. expecially nature and animals, im always content just watching whats going on, or just listening. Then again i also talk quite a bit, i like rambling on about pointless things and singing badly. i don't give a shit about pc4pc, if i comment your photo, it's not because i want one back. i like brushing my teeth. it's pretty hard to get me angry or upset, mainly because i don't see a point in it. if i do, i get over it pretty fast. my hair has never grown past the length it is now, it shits me. i don't like negativity. i'm heaps unco. unlike a high percentage of teens nowdays i don't smoke never have, no point in paying to slowly kill myself, i don't see why people do it, with all the warnings out there nowdays. don't try to agrue a point with me that it helps with 'stress' and shit. i'll still call you an idiot. and i hate the taste of alcohol. i used to have peircings: double snakebites, medusa, top and side of belly button, now all i just have the bottom :) im deadset scared of needles too x]. i have alot of opinions, i sometimes find myself writing them down. i have a boyfriend, his names michael, he alwaays makes me happy. i'm with him pretty much most of the time <3. i have a harry and a sarah, an elliott and a shaun, who i can always rely on, ilu. Royce and jackson are pretty heckerz too :). i don't organise things because i always seem to get dissapointed, but hey, you get that.
I like comedy movies, and funny quotes :). And to be honest, i don't like much about myself.
Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you,
you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.
-Bob Marley
Well you see, i have this boyfriend, and his names MICHAEL.
and after all the shit i put him through, he took me back.
and still loves me the same. now let me tell you, there's noone better for me than him.
he knows me so well, and his pretty much the most perfect boy ever. :)
not to mention he has the most amazing smile. I spend, if not most my time with him.
he always makes me laugh, and we can talk about anything, i love playing Fallout with him :).
cuddling up to him is the mast amazing and safe feeling. and i love how i can muck around with
him and call him multiple names and he will still love me :)
i love you baby :)
Secondly, i have a bestfriend her name is SARAH, she is absolutely gorgeous in every way and she is probably the most amazing girl in the whole entire world, she is one of the only people who understands me,
and she can always tell if im upset or something, which isn't often, and its pretty hard to tell.
we have so much fun and laughs together, and i would never trade her for anyone else in the world.
she can always cheer me up, and i know that i can tell her anything in the world, and she will always try her
best to help me through it. i can be my complete self towards her, and she just embraces it, joins in, and makes
everything around us enjoyable. togehter, we could probably be the most embarrasing people to be around.
i will always have her back no matter what, and ill be there with my crane is fat bitches try to squish her. :)
Thirdly, i have another best friend, yes i have a few, and this ones named HARRY.
what can i say about harry, first, he has stuck by me through so much, and so many of my bad decisions
and ill never forget that. his pretty much one of the most chillaxed kids you'd ever meet.
i never want him out of my life, it just wouldnt be the same, i can turn to him whenever i need someone to talk to.
i love annoying him, and the fact that he never gets cranky at me for it, i love how i can always be myself around him,
and he won't ever put me down or make me feel like an idiot, his the bestest ily bffl. :)
despite the fact that he enjoys calling me scene and such, i still love him.
Fourth, theres a great kid who goes by the name of ELLIOTT, many people tend to spell his name with one T,
random fact for you there, now, this kid, where can i start, he is always there for me, and i'll always be there for him,
he can always make me smile with the random things he comes up with, i dont even know where he gets some of the things
he says from, but thats what makes him so unique i guess, his put up with me since year 10 now, constant classes togheter.
and let me tell you i can get prettyyy annoying. so anyone who can put up with me for that long, are definatly worth while.
and definatly meant to be in this heroes section. :)
Fifth, SHAUN, shauny shauny shaun, where to start, he is one great kid, i'd feel so unrhee like if he wasnt around,
i tell him so much, and i awlays find myself ranting to him about something random thats going on in my life,
and he always listens, and seems interested, im not even sure if he is or not, but he will always listen :)
he feeds me, and i try to repay him when i can, which is not very often, and no matter what, ill always be there for him,
by his side no matter what. ill always be there to have his back :).
Sixth, PETER, peter peter pumpkin eater, well you esee this is the most nice, lovable, kind hearted person you could ever meet,
never in my life have a met someone like him, and never in my life i'll meet someone esle liek him.
his such a funny person, and i love having random chats with him about anything, and we are major gleeks.
i've known him since the start of year 10, and although we don't hang out as much as we used to, i still love every second
i speak to him, he can always make me smile no matter what, even if his not int he best of moods.
seventh, we have the wonderful kid named JACKSON, i hate the fact that he left school, expecially
after he got his P's and could of drove me to school in the mornings, i still love him, his usually always happy
and full of energy, and he can make anyone smile around him, unless their a bit of a shithead.
i can always trust him to help me in any way he can, and i know that no matter what i'd never want to loose him.
he makes everything more happy and energetic :)
Eighth, last but not least, there ROYCE, wow, pretty much anything he says, unless it has something to do with wow. haha.
makes me laugh so much, i don't even know why, but he always keeps me ammused somehow.
i like watching him draw random things for his band and such, and whenever i'm holding his guitar i like to immitate him.
he makes me smile at the silliest things. but thats why i love him i guess, you could never find anyone like him.
his so unique..so..brutal. x] haha.
+ Mitch, Katey, Emily, Nimble, Blake, Adam, Andy, Chelsea, Rapsity, Luke c-word, Kayla, Jessica, Jacob, Jasmin, Mikaela, Thorn, Shannan, Garth, Dizzy, Nick, Chris. Mum, Dusty, Ginnie & Family. :)