Tony Robinson his pottery finds on time team really helped me to get through some tough times.I would really like to meet obama so i could show him some of my 2009 inauguration celebration pieces.Jade goody- i think she is an inspiration to everybody and im currently working on a beautiful little piece design to celebrate her marriage to the hunnky jack tweedy..I just hope she gets to see it.I would like to meet my dear friend freds nana, she sounds like a caring warm matriach, and i hear she makes a mean trifle guys!!!Loius walsh- i think he gets a bad time on x factor everyone always over looks the world wide succsess he had with one can deny that this man unleashed some of the greatest music of the 21 centuryAlso I'm the kind of guy who likes to make friends so in addition to the above I would like to meet... Carlton the Kitten Milo from the Tweenies The guy who invented pottery...what a guy! Cilla Black (or grandma to me) Hugo Chavez Kelly Clarkson Sonia Jackson...what a stunner!!