rocky 1-4, princess bride, the notebook, jeremiah johnson, the sandlot, disney cartoons, old school, lotr, indiana jones, garden state, the last unicorn, officespace, titanic, hope floats, elf, the guardian, national lampoons christmas vacation, bourne idenity, fight club, the breakup...tons more. i love movies.
Friends, The Cosby Show, Family Guy, Sex and the City, The Simpsons, Saved by the Bell, Boy Meets World, Full House, Everybody Loves Raymond, CSI.
My Bible (The Message translation rocks my world), Lord of the Ring, The Purpose Driven Life, Messy Spirituality, The Notebook, The Great Divorce, The Chronicals of Narnia (actually anything from C.S. Lewis), Evidence for Christianity, Automatic Millionare, and a lot more.
Jesus, my parents, and my cat Myrtle.