I'm a VIVRANT, STRONG, BEAUTIFUL, BLACK WOMAN! I'm a HUMBLED, PROUD MOMMY who learns and grows everyday with my BEAUTIFUL LITTLE ANGEL GENESIS! She truly is THE BEGINNING of many wonderful chapters in my life! I'm someone who is drawn to wisdom, knowledge, ambition, spiritually connected people, and people who are in tune with themselves. I'm a SILLY, HAPPY, & GOOFY person! I'll laugh @ almost anything! :) Yep, that's me! One of the most important things that I live & breathe is DANCE! That's one of my gifts that I'm truly blessed with & I'm very grateful ! It's a tremendous passion in my life! I wouldn't be ME without it! I have so many other HUGE dreams & aspirations that are bigger than me! Timing is everything, but I'll get there!!! STAY BLESSED! Live life as a Leader but NEVER have too much PRIDE to become a STUDENT when needed!!!! ..