Nick profile picture


Dr. Jones. No time for love, we've got company.

About Me

I am tall, dark and ugly. Well two out of three isn't bad. Also my answer to the old fight club question "If you could fight anyone who would it be?" I'd have to say they great physasist Stephen Hawkins, because if you knocked him out of his chair it would be an easy win.

My Interests

The usual I am afraid, music, films, television etc. I am a massive fan of Japan and their culture. I have been trying to learn the Japanese language for a little time now but only progressing at a snail's pace. I plan to visit Japan hopefully at some point. I am also a big fan of Martial arts. I am currently learning Yang family long form tai chi aswell as doing some weapons training to (Escrima & Chinese Long Pole). I am also a big fan of console and computer games and have a mild addiction to WoW.

I'd like to meet:

Chuck Norris & Godzilla.


I have a huge taste in music. My friend quoted once "Only you could have Gustav Holsts, followed by Slayer and then some crazy Jpop like Cornelius on the same cd!" but as long as it isn't Country & Western, Jazz or Modern R&B I'll give it a go.


One of my favourite subjects. I am a massive fan of Japanese and Hong Kong film fan as well as films from around the world be it foreign or domestic. I could go on and write a hundred and one titles here, but I won't bore you.


The Mighty Boosh, Firefly, Spaced, My Name Is Earl, The IT Crowd, Lost, Family Guy, American Dad, South Park, Mind Body amd Kick Ass Moves, MXC, Invader Zim, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Sealab 2021, The Brakk Show, Big Train, Adam and Joe, Vids, Troma's Edge TV, Exploitica Rides Again, The A-Team, Knightrider, Robin Of Sheerwood, The Young Ones, Bottom, Heroes, Venture Bros, Metalocalypse and anything anime. I am sure there are a million more but I cannot think of anymore at the present.


I am afraid to say I don't read possibly as much as should but here are some books I did enjoy reading:-1. All I Need to Know About Filmmaking I Learned from the Toxic Avenger - Lloyd Kaufman 2. Art Of War - Sun Tzu. 3. Myths & Legends Of Martial Arts - Peter Lewis.I also enjoy reading Manga graphic novels when I get the chance and the short stories of H.P. Lovecraft.


I haven't really got any heroes but there are a lot of people I admire for what they do whether they are celebreties such as awsome entertainers such as Bill Bailey, Simon Pegg, Derran Brown, 'Beat' Takeshi Kitano, Ryuhei Kitamura and Tsui Hark to the everyday people like hospital staff, the police, firemen and women, who have to put up with more crap than they should just for keeping us safe and alive.

My Blog

Updated pictures.

Nothing special I am afraid just updated some pictures. Check out the bad boy when i was really big lol. Anyway must dash I have to rip some Kazoo sounds out for Squid Jelly. An artists work is never ...
Posted by Nick on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 09:14:00 PST

Pretty Colours, OOOHHH!!!!!

Thanks to the genius people of I have been able to add pretty colours and vamp my bad boy space up. They rule and god bless them for making a site where a simpleton like me can create a...
Posted by Nick on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 05:06:00 PST

Time for an update.

Well hello there, I decided that it was about time for an update. So here it is even though it's not that exciting. Main thing that has changed is I am a little slimmer than my last pic as since then ...
Posted by Nick on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 03:43:00 PST