a static lullaby, alexisonfire, alkaline trio, all rights reserved, allister, armor for sleep, armsbendback, as i lay dying, atreyu, the banner, bayside, ben folds, blacklisted, bleeding through, blink 182, bob marley, boy sets fire, boys night out, brand new, bright eyes, bring me the horizon, catch 22, chiodos, circa survive, cky, coheed&cambria, coldplay, converge, copeland, count the stars, cursive, dead poetic, deathcab for cutie, dillinger escape plan, dmx, eighteen visions, eleanor, emanuel, every time i die, fall out boy, feeling left out, fear before the march of flames, finch, forevers end, from autumn to ashes, funeral for a friend, further seems forever, glassjaw, gratitude, halifax, hari kari, head automatica, hidden in plain veiw, hopesfall, hot hot heat, hotrod circut, hot water music, incubus, letter kills, lucked out, mae, matchbook romance, mest, midtown, minus the bear, morning hand, most precious blood, motion city soundtrack, new found glory, nirvana, no hollywood ending, nora, norma jean, northstar, poison the well, reggie and the full effect, rooney, rufio, saves the day, soasin, senses fail, silverstein, snoop DOG, something corporate, spitalfeild, streetlight manifesto, sublime, sunny day real estate, taking back sunday, terror, the best kept secret, the game, the bled, the blood brothers, the bravery, the cure, the early novemeber, the fall of troy, the foo fighters, the format, the grand finals, the honorary title, the juliana theory, the mars volta, the mongoloids, the postal service, the shins, the smiths, the starting line, the strokes, the used, the walkoff, terror, thrice, through a windsheild, throwdown, thursday, underoath, unearth, walls of jericho, the warriors, young love!.
Requiem for a dream, Van Wilder, Garden State, Super Troopers, Spun, Old School, Fight Club, Office Space, Ferris Bulers Day Off, Dumb & Dumber, Half Baked, Falling Down, A Christmas Story, Anchorman, all of the Home Alone's, Duces Wild, Napoleon Dynamite, Big Fish, Herald&Kumar go to White Castle, The Shape of Things, Cheats, Team America: World Police, Derailed.
mad tv, the Andy Milanokus show, the wire, ESPN football, orange clean/oxy-clean info-mertials, top model, south park, 24, degrassi!, family guy, MXC, House, The Flavor of Love, I love New York.
Choke, Brave New World, Oasis, Cause of fear, Fruit, 1984, The perks of being a wallflower, Lullaby, Wiley's Lament, Fight Club, The Giver, Prozac Nation.
Brutal kids !