I'd like to meet:
Intelligent, Cool, edgy, artistic, model, pretty, Music lover, ConFident, Good Looking, PasionaTe,Bitchy,Fashion LoveR,Sexy, WiLd & Maybe Freaky! if you consiDer to have One of This quaLities, then you May Send a MessAGe, or To be Added as a FRiend! hahaha!span
*The truth is I don't add strangers and I don't want to meet you.
BASICALLY ELECTRONIC, its endlesssssssssssssss.............................HOusSe is My PrefereNce, all of Its KinDs : aCid, DeeP, Funky, ProgreSSive, & Techno, ELeCTro, NeW WAve, BRit PoP, I love Miss KitTin, Carl Cox, Josh Wink, Dj HeLL, JeFf MilLs, LX GibRan, JuNIoR JACk, Kid CreaM, Groove ARmada, Peaches, ChicKs on speed, BaSement Jaxx, DeeLite, M.I.A, KRaftWeRk, Doc MartiN, Deep Dish, Everything But the girL, DeleRium, 80's, 80'S, & FOREVER 80'S, Berlin, David Bowie, Air, Radio Head, this is just to name a few, Im a little bit of everything but not much of a Trance faN!
I LuV cheesie movies liKe: Cant buy Me love, 16 candLeS, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, ZoolanDeR.