I..ve began my studies on drums in early 2000 year in Campinas, a city of Sao Paulo. After two years of regular classes and daily studies i..ve move in to Sao Carlos.
In this city i..ve started doing some gigs, putting the theory in second plan and beginning to learn more about playing alive.
The period of 2002/2004, i acquired a quite good relation in the drums, with the heavy metal and rock style, that..s because i..ve been playing in bands of this type of music.
In 2004 i..ve recorded the first record of my career. It was the X Raptor..s “God From the Machineâ€. In that same year i..ve entered in Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCar). The career i..ve choose was Music, with emphasis in Music Education. That course allowed to me a very good experience with the orchestra of the university, which by that time i..ve played percussion.
The season of 2004 ..til 2007 i..ve joined other rock bands. I..ve made some free lance jobs in the studio recording pop music and also heavy metal.
In 2006 i..ve start drumming with a local blues/southern rock band called Midnight Riders.
This year until now was a very exciting year. I..ve been working in a hard blues project entitled Strange Blues with a a guitar/vocal player and a bass player. I..m very involved too with X Raptor and Homem com Asas and other projects of pop music.
Since 2004 i..ve been teaching drums and percussion.