I would love to meet My Most favourite Idol Bryan Ferry in person,It has been a long life dream of mine since I started following Bryan Ferry & the rest Roxy Music since 1979 What a brilliant group they were and still are to this day I have followed both careers of Bryan & Roxy Music and collected all their albums cd's tapes video's of their tours and Bryan's Solo careers since then plus memobilia I would love to meet all those I have connected up with on the Bryan Ferry Online forum Index website It has been a pleasure to be able to link up with like minded people who share this interest in Bryan Ferry & Roxy Music,have involved Me being on this Website as their Myspace friends contact I hope to meet, some or all of you one day in the near future at a Bryan Ferry or Roxy Music Concert Wherever it may be Front seat viewing thought I would love to meet other new friendas on this site and maybe one day meet up at a concert