My name is Chelsea. Shometimesh i talk with a lishp. I'm very weird and I'm very proud of it. I have great friends and my life is pretty amazing. I could not ask for more.
I love water. I drink it like it is my job. I think it is delicious and you can't go wrong with a glass of water. Plus it doesn't cost anything at restaurants, and I think that is pretty SHWEEET!
Please keep in touch. My screen name is awesomeee07 because amazing was already taken and i think very highly of myself.
askdhflkhsgjkla I'm so wasted right now!!
1. I'm not normal, but then again, define normal
2. I guess you can say i'm a real winner
3. I play volleyball... sort of
4. Coach Humphrey will never like me... but it's mutual
5. I have a mini trampoline in my dorm room... not many people can say that.
6. I get along better with boys than I do girls
7. I love food... maybe a little too much
8. I can read Christa's mind when we play rock, paper, sissors
9. I am easily amused and extremely random at times
10. My family is better than yours
11. I quote movies like it's my job
12. I am pretty much amazing at Mario Kart
13. I absolutely love gobstoppers, my aviators, nilla wafers, Vince Vaughan, sodoku puzzles, funny movies, pop-tarts, loud music, the beach and everything else that makes me happy
14. I have no idea what I wanna be when i grow up, and I never have
16. My friends make me happy. Kyle Slightom is most definately my favorate one!!
17. I have bumped my head at least 1,007 times and i have done numerous amounts of stupid things
18. Im left handed, left handers rule
19. I know how airplanes fly
20. I have a dog named Bailey and the craziest cat ever
21. If you ask me a question, i will more than likely answer with "your mom"
22. I make illegal u-turns in my car.
23. When I meet people but don't really learn their names, I just call them Steve. I know like 10 Steves, and only 1 of them is actually named Steve.
24. I'm scared of my shed
25. I absolutely love Johnny Knoxville...we will meet one day
26. I think that God is pretty cool... actually, I know he is
27. I've made my share of mistakes, but I have no regrets
28. I love to laugh; and I tend to do and say very stupid things.
29. I don't like it when girls call me babe, sweetheart or other pet names. That's a no no, even for Hannah when she is wober