Jason profile picture


being handicapped rules, especially when you're a +0.6

About Me

I'm siiiick.

My Interests

girls, GOLF, all other sports (i.e. football, basketball, tennis, baseball, etc.), snow (even though i only get to see it once or twice a year), my dogs and my dawgs, food...especially mexican food!


Emo punk music is way too EMO for me...sorry. And yes, i listen to rap..you may think it's crap (perhaps only because those 2 words rhyme) but i like it. Mostly Eminem, Tupac, 50 Cent, Dre.


Being a former employee of Blockbuster Video, I know a thing or two about movies. In order, I like comedies, then "scary" movies, then action, and then your occasional drama. I never once found my way to the foreign section of the store. Some of my favorite movies are Dumb and Dumber, Meet the Parents, Napoleon Dynamite, Eurotrip, Signs, The Ring, all Leslie Neilson movies, the Lord of the Rings, the Kill Bills, Cool Runnings, and on and on...


Greatest television series of all time: Seinfeld. Umm the OC!!!! miss it! I watch the occasional reality TV, but only a select few. The TV spends most of it's time fixed on espn or espnnews. I love "House" too and Family Guy is hilarious!


I've never really enjoyed reading so I really only read the books the teachers assign in school and sometimes not even those..hahaha.

My Blog


When you read the title, "drinking". i'm sure most of you instinctively thought i was referring to alcohol and that assumption  is the foundation for my concern. Underage drinking? why is it so a...
Posted by Jason on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST