Ryan *needs his bologne* profile picture

Ryan *needs his bologne*

Once I was a selfish fool, who never understood, I never looked on the inside. but on the outside I

About Me

ryan --

Sexually stunning

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.comIm Ryan. I like to go to movies, and watch DVDs and spend time on HBO. BUT that does not mean thats the only thing I want to do, I want to do other stuff than just watching movies all the time, I want to go out and have a good time once in awhile. I like to go and drink and laugh with friends who like me, who I am comfortable to be myself around. I like to have those experiences where I can tell the story of them later and laugh so hard and cry about it. I am going to school for a business degree, but who fucking knows, that could change anytime since I have no idea what Im going to do with a business degree. I think I would look good in a suit tho.This is your left it is your left this is your left it is your left, this is your right it is your right this is your right this is your right, your all going to die.

My Interests

Theres few things that Im actually interested in... but at the same time Im interested in everything. I love Movies. Oh and im never going to Brazil or umm shit what was the other one? i think like Japan.OH yea the grudge would get me. umm I like coffee MM starbucks, I work out but not a gym rat although i wish i were. I like to swim and I want a hot tub. I hate applebees
You're 65% Irish
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I'd like to meet:

YOUR MOM hahahaha OH MAN 2 Yrs and that still makes me laugh... seriously tho... prolly your brother...Layout Provided By CodeMyLayout.com - Myspace Layouts


3 doors down, NFG, ataris, Black eyed peas, Blink-182, finch, good charlotte, green day, hoobastank, jack johnson, The Killers, Linkin park, matchbook romance, MY chemical romance, GOTTA HEAR IT FOR RYAN CABANA!!, Something Corporate, starting line, story of the year, sum 41, switchfoot, trust company, yellowcard HAHA this list is olllld... hahah umm i like panic at the disco, hellogoodbye, Jacks mannequin, uhh idk alot of white boy music i guess... but i always get into some jayZ song or Akon haha cuz im a thug


MY LIFE!!! scooby doo movies rock!!!!! fast and furiouse, 2fast 2furiouse, Austin powers (all of them), bringing down the house, homeward bound, dare devil, dirty dancing,charlies angels (both), I know what you did last summer (both) the scream triology, all the star wars movies, the lion king, lilo and stich, monsters INC., Teenage mutant ninja turtles (all of them), the craft, legally blonde, coyote ugly, X-MEN ROCKS (both) the first XXX, umm tomb raider, spider man (both) the punisher, hitch, mean girls, butterfly effects, guess who, dude wheres my car (CHUCK), dazed and confused, final destination, finding nemo, sahara, sin city, Grindhouse, Pirates of the caribbean (all 3), Mr Brooks, eragon, the messangers, Shrek, 28 days later, 28 weeks later, next, ........ TO BE CONTINUED!


cartoons all together...., HEROS, greys anatomy, food network, smallville, charmed, gilmore girls, The amazing race, survior, big brother, Discovery, CSI, MTV, VH1


OOOOH WOW here we go; it all started with animorphs (i read the whole set even tho i was like a sophmore in highschool when it ended) James patterson is a bad ass murder mystery author, between Alex cross and the murder club you got the flying kids and beach roads. I cant help but love the Harry Potter books, and i dont think i look like him u bastards. currently Im reading the seris of unfortunate events, I figure why the hell not they take like a day to read anyways. nows the time to just list off a bunch of books at random: Running with scissors, a million little pieces, girlfriend in a coma, holes, night, hatchet, the outsiders and so much more im sure


My mom, Dane Cook, Tyler Robuck, and Britnay spears still

My Blog

The Kooks: I liked them before they got cool

So about a year ago my good friend Danny from the UK introduced me to a band called the kooks. Now because they werent that big at the time Itunes didnt have them, or maybe im just that special ed tha...
Posted by Ryan *needs his bologne* on Thu, 03 May 2007 10:32:00 PST

Oh the strange times to update nobody on my life

Wow is it already 4:17 am? "damn it is time for sleep" one might say but not for me No sir buckO, because I am getting a cold. I cant stop coughing and my throat hurts and the stupid coughing is makin...
Posted by Ryan *needs his bologne* on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 01:33:00 PST

I want to take a trip to Europe.

Well I just got finished watching the DVD Eurotrip, and I have to say, I need to take this trip!!!   It has everything, First off I want to get in good with some crazy soccer (or as they say over...
Posted by Ryan *needs his bologne* on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 07:55:00 PST

Im hungry.... Hungry for LOVE!!!

So, Ive decided Im not geting any younger and its time for me to settle down and get married. Now you know they say "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." That is true for me, I cant not c...
Posted by Ryan *needs his bologne* on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 05:08:00 PST

Good Bye... Hello

Well this is will be my last blog from CA for awhile, I'm leaving tonight to go to Virginia. Yes I know how the hell will CA live with out this stud? Just be strong. While I am mad about moving, Ive d...
Posted by Ryan *needs his bologne* on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 01:55:00 PST

Its one of the reasons she my BFFF

random ass conversation oryang1786: Boogity boogity boooryang1786: Hell know what it meansmyheartofglass14: ....ha weirdooryang1786: I'm sick sortamyheartofglass14: how was your nap and pee?oryang1786...
Posted by Ryan *needs his bologne* on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 04:59:00 PST

Beth, Jennifer and Ray

Beth, Jennifer and Ray are the COOLEST people in the whole world. I know I talk about how cool I am but these three put me to shame. I am such a skanky whore. Beth, wow she is the greatest. I wish I c...
Posted by Ryan *needs his bologne* on Fri, 19 May 2006 03:51:00 PST

Tired of hearing the gas price bitchin

Gas is getting really expensive.... BITCHBITCHBITCH... Ok now that i got the bitching out of the way i can tell you how to deal with it.... Gas is one of thosethings that you have to buy or you go wi...
Posted by Ryan *needs his bologne* on Sat, 06 May 2006 08:52:00 PST

more annoying than the band chick from american pie

I can't stand people who beg for attention 24/7. I'm not going to say that I don't like attention once in awhile because I do. But I do not ask for it all the time. And the new way to get this attenti...
Posted by Ryan *needs his bologne* on Thu, 04 May 2006 10:54:00 PST

What I hate about going to movies

Now if you know anything about me you know that I love to go to movies... I will pretty much see anything if I'm bored enough. There is something about going there and waiting to go into the theatre a...
Posted by Ryan *needs his bologne* on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 12:35:00 PST