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I am here for Friends

About Me

Well, There isnt a lot to tell about myself! I am an American that served in the Army in Germany and I liked it over here so much that I moved over here to live after my time in the service! I married my wife Helga in 1962 and we had three daughters! our youngest daughter died in 1995 and the other two daughters are married and have there own familys! Both my wife and I are Retired! We have in the past 17 years traveled quit a bit in the US and Europ about three months a year! And have seen a lot of wounderful places in our lives!................................ We have a lot of Friends scattered in the Whole World, and am Very Happy about that! It makes me Happy to make Friends , thats one of the reasons that I am here! I have always tryed to satasfey my Friends! Each and every one of them is Specail to me and I am Happy and Honerd to have them! I am very Pleased with my live as it is! ............................................................ ............................................................ ....... Heute Noch, Habe Ich Viele Freunde in der Ganzen Welt! Ich Bin Dankbar dafür! Ich Habe Freude an Freundschaften, das ist der Grund das ich da Bin! Und ich versuch meiner Freundschaften zu pflegen Alle meine Freunde sind Special und ich bin Glücklich mit meiner Leben so wie es ist!............................ Gott Sei mit Euch Allen!.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X
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