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About Me

I am a positive person and I enjoy being around positive people. To be continued...

Beautiful Moonrise Elapse
.. width="425" height="350" ..Love these girls! Funky and crazy! .. width="425" height="350" ..

Cute video.

This video is for geeks. It shows some interesting properties of starch.

My Interests


Currently reading:The Number, The Prince, Ruby Cookbook, Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide, Agile Web Development With Rails
Last Read: 33 Strategies of War, Negotiation Bootcamp, am-Bitch-ous, Why Choose This Book?, Java For Beginners, The World Is Flat, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Parallel Worlds, Pride and Prejudice, The Dalai Lama - His Essential Teachings, The Te of Piglet, I-Ching, The Tao of Pooh, Freakonomics, The 48 Laws of Power, Men are from sperms Women are from eggs, How to do everything with JavaScript, 100 Strokes of Brush Before Bed, Blink, The Da Vinci Code, Tuesdays with Morrie, A scanner darkly, Memiors of a Geisha, Spook
Favorite Books:Hyperspace, Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
Favorite authors:Robert Greene, Michio Kaku