Anyone and everyone
Mostly all music... im open minded about it...
BrEaKfAsT cLuB, ThE sAndLot,NAPOLEON DYNAMITE!!, tHe CrOw,pReTtY iN pInK,16 cAnDlEs,weird science, nInJa TuRtLeS,NoW aNd ThEn,10 ThInGs i HaTe AbOuT u,vAlEnTiNe,GuRl InTeRuPtEd,vIrGiN sUiCiDeS, donnie darko, pirates of the carribean, finding nemo, deliver us from eva, minortiy report, i robot, the last samaraui, american history x, holes, fight club, LOTR, half baked, big fish, the fast and the furious, 2 fast 2 furious, scarry movie (only the 1st one), say anything,preganant and 13, chicago,malibus most wanted,how to deal, a walk to remember,spiderman 1 & 2, shes all that, down to you, the butterfly effect, billy maddison, the wedding singer, happy gilmore, big daddy, mr, deeds, and some more i cant think of... i LoVe MoViEs SoO mUcH i eSpIcAlLy liKe dArK mOvIeS tHaT hAvE pEoPle ThAt ArE fUcKeD uP mOrE tHaN mE (hard to believe that they make people like that haha )
The oc, the simpsons, the simple life 1&2, daria, i love lucy, i love the 70's 80's and 90's, the news, my so called life, that 70's show, quintuplets, the tonight show, spongebob, saturday nite live and some others i cant think of ....
i wont lie i love reading as long as its a good book... some good ones ive read are cut, a child called it, the lost boy , a man named dave, queen of everything, sisters of eve, cat in the hat, what girls learn, paralell journeys, night, and some others i cant think of at the moment..
intelligent people