Ron Dizzle profile picture

Ron Dizzle

Not bad for 32.

About Me

My Interests

"Parenting 5 little Girls & living to tell about it". That is the new title of my book. If Im not watching the kids, I'm editing video (FCP Rocks!), videotaping hula, motorcycle races & luau's. I religiously watch UFC. Sorry I dont watch IFL. There are no elbows being thrown. And lastly, being the best hubby I can be. Just ask Jen.


Alternative Rock, Punk, 80's Hair Rock, R&B, Soul, Hawaiian Contemporary, Ilocano Love Songs, Reggae, Island Reggae, & 70's porn music.


Jackass, Dumb & Dumber, Animal House, Bachelor Party, Weird Science, The Breakfast Club, Boyz in the Hood, Menace II Society, Ocean's 11, Blue Hawaii, Blue Crush, The search for Animal Chin, Bones Brigade videos, The Debut, Bad Boys 1&2, Pearl Harbor, The Rock, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars (duh?), 40 days 40 nights, and Serendipity.


MTV, Spike TV, Las Vegas, Entourage, Dog The Bounty Hunter, G String Divas, The Cathouse, anything UFC, Celebrity Poker and Blackjack, Speed TV & Disney Channel.


"Jennifer Jones won't leave me alone", "The cat in the hat", "Click Clack Moo", "Memoirs of a Geisha", "American Knees", "Cebu", "Filipino Martial Culture" & "Americas in the Heart".


My Wifey Queen of The Rentar Jungle.... Raaar!Lets see you push out 5 kids in 7 years.And my parents of course.