DFLIGHT profile picture


About Me

I was diagnosed with CARDIO MYAPATHY about a year ago. My heart is only working about 20% of what a normal heart should. Just recently had surgery for a defibulator. I now have to time to make alot of music and spend time with my family!!! Hope you like what you hear, and don't be afraid to comment about it! I've been Playin Music all my life. Played Trombone in High School. Played the horn in the Navel Drum Corp. in the Military. I've been a main house DJ in Chicago area and in TN. I've produced several Hiphop, R&B,indie, and Rock artists . I've Mastered many professional Albums and records at Music City Optical Media in Nashville, TN. I've recently put my music up on the net for people to listen to. I don't consider myself a musician, I'm more of a 'in the studio' type of guy. I love making beats and tracks that I sell online. I helped build R.E.T. Percussion into a international Custom Shop Electronic drum manufacturer. Check out my other sites at www.soundclick.com If your into drums, check out www.retpercussion.com and tell em Dan sent you!!! If you are interested in a 'Blanket Licence' or 'Exclusive Rights' to any of the song on my profile please feel free to contact me at Dflight101@yahoo.com Thanks for your SUPPORT!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 21/08/2007
Band Website: www.showcaseyourmusic.com/dflight
Band Members: Dan Dunford-Keyboards,synths,drums, Midi programming, sound design and folly
Influences: Growing up I listened to alot of 8o's music. I love RUSH and alot of major Rock groups. I love alot of classic rock and I love Techno and R&B and hiphop and electronic music, i.e. ATB, Paul Oakenfold,Tiesto,IO, you name it. I also love Linkin Park and AMY Lee. I try to blend alot of what I like in different songs/artists and bring them together in what I personally like.People that influenced my musical style are:My 5th grade band teacher Mr. Smith........Michael Jackson,when he was black..........Oingo Boingo......"Dead Man's Party".........Kerry Nelson giving me my first RUSH CD: Exit Stage Left........Lars Ulrich from Metallica........And ALL the DJ's I went to clubs/concerts with........
Sounds Like: I sound like myself....I guess my music would be acoustic electronic instrumental techno rock.....something like that????
Record Label: Dflight Pro Inc.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

What is the best SYNTH out there to date???

I currently love my Roland Synth and my new Korg M3!!!!  But I hear Access Virus is killer.  Let me know your opinions and comments!!!
Posted by on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 15:41:00 GMT