Introducing The Godspeed profile picture

Introducing The Godspeed

Stick With The Godspeed and You Can't Go Wrong

About Me

Finally...................yes The Godspeed has finally arrived. Nice timing we might add. Sorry it's been a while, but we're live and we're here. We know you couldn't wait any more(LOL)................................Consisting of Niyemortal, Fayomi the Great, and MeMic the Magnificent, The Godspeed came together in Maryland from different origins(NW Wash DC, Rockaway, New York, and North Carolina) to combine the original elements of Hip Hop(Fayomi and Niyemortal with their songwriting skills and MeMic with his Artistic Prose). We're expanding and trust us, you'll be amazed.The Godspeed actually started in 2002 with three members, but due to different reasons, Niyemortal left the country. For two years, Fayomi and the third member Shem held their own and got a buzz going and even expanded The Godspeed to 5+ members, but after a while, that dissolved as well. However, they wouldn't be gone for long....In 2005, Niyemortal returned Stateside to find the aftermath of the group and decided that the flame wasn't gone yet.....In early 2006, Niyemortal and Fayomi kept in close touch thoughout the year and did the necessary research and development to engage in the rap game for they knew that they would have to come with full force. That they did.In late 2007, The Godspeed has arrived and YOU can enjoy...........Well what are you waiting for..................ENJOY...........................I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 8/21/2007
Band Website: None (Yet)
Band Members: Niyemortal, Fayomi The Great, MeMic the Magnificent
Influences: Anyone who made a difference and that's beyond Hip-Hop. It could be you(nah it really isnt...LOL)
Sounds Like: Something You'd Like To Bump All Day
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Hot 16 Tournament-Need Your Votes

hey whats up? This your boy Niyemortal. I went into this Hot16 tournament and it all went well. If you're in the PG area and u have Comcast, watch me on Channel 80 between the hours of 4-6pm and 12mid...
Posted by Introducing The Godspeed on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 08:18:00 PST

Godspeed on TV

Yeah Yeah. lol. Niyemortal entered a Hot 16 tournament and will be featured on Channel 80 (Pg Comcast) from 4-6pm and 12-2am. The contest will be hosted and judged by the good people at Metro Video a...
Posted by Introducing The Godspeed on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 10:09:00 PST


Hey what's up? This is yours truly saying thank you all for being a part of our growing process. We really appreciate you all. School's here, which means new challenges and ordeals, but we welcome the...
Posted by Introducing The Godspeed on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 12:28:00 PST