You know... Lizzy... I *am*... captain of a ship. And *being* captain of a ship, I could in fact perform a... marriage. Right here. Right on this deck. Right... *now*! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let us examine that claim for a moment, former Commodore, shall we? Who was it, who at the very moment you had a notorious pirate safely behind bars, saw fit to *free* said pirate, and take your dearly beloved all to hisself, hey? So who's fault is it, *really*, that you've ended up a rum-pot deckhand what takes orders from pirates?
i love you :>]
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This one is for Guffey!!
As the sun comes up, as the moon goes down These heavy notions creep around It makes me think, long ago I was brought into this life a little lamb A little lamb Courageous, stumbling Fearless was my middle name. But somewhere there I lost my way Everyone walks the same Expecting me to step The narrow path they've laid They claim to Walk unafraid I'll be clumsy instead Hold my love or leave me high.Say "keep within the boundaries if you want to play." Say "contradiction only makes it harder." How can I be What I want To be? When all I want to do is strip away These stilled constraints And crush this charade Shred this sad masquerade I don't need no persuading I'll trip, fall, pick myself up and Walk unafraid I'll be clumsy instead Hold my love or leave me high.If I have a bag of rocks to carry as I go I just want to hold my head up high I don't care what I have to step over I'm prepared to look you in the eye Look me in the eye And if you see familiarity Then celebrate the contradiction Help me when I fall to Walk unafraid I'll be clumsy instead Hold my love or leave me high. Walk unafraid I'll be clumsy instead Hold my love or leave me high.By Pybus (Ar.)
Brittany Jones Jones, you are a realy good friend, an awesome cult leader, and we shall forever eat in the house of wendys as we did freshman summer =DPybus AKA 'Sarge' What Can I say about pybus? shes by far the best shot in rotc, my recreational vehicle, primary one xD, the tornado in my basement xDD, the blackest whitest mexican you'll ever know, shes a sniper/hippie/wigga. shes out going as helll. she made health and sex ed interesting xDD Semper FiFoy AKA 'god' from being scared fo you, to having intimate eye undressings xD weve gotten so close mainly because of our random gayness HEIL FOY!Silverthorn aka babeh weve grown so close in so little time, most of it from the hotel del xDDgregory AKA 'gaygory' weird-o who breaks out in random dances and is jewalouus of my metal spork =PJunk AKA Junk-a-Licious shes the coolest swashbuckeling, scurvey-doggey-est, rum drinking, rum hiding, POTC fan, and the piratey-est pirate you'll ever know =D i hes my freshman, we play starfox and set off smoke alarms! i think i tought him stuff...McElrath AKA Mom Shes the best mom eva!! we helped eachother thru bootcamp =]ill finish later