have come to understand a few things in my last three yours on this earth. as an american who loves my country and my freedom i wrote the song "please ring the bell" with the help of my very dear friend kim dover. he and i was at a point that we felt like america was heading in the wrong direction and had been for 60 plus years. it was roughly three years ago when we came up with this song and i truly believe that it fits better now then it did then in our nation of crupt and untrusting government leaders. i believe that if obamas health care plan is passed then we will lose way more than we gain. we are out to lose as many rights as we are more tax money. i don't know about you all, but i've had all i can stand. i am living paycheck to paycheck and barely making ends meet while the government still insists on taking more, more, more. i can't afford to give anymore, for a matter of fact i could use a little of what they take to be put back in my pocket. i ask all off you who feel the same way i do to contact your leaders and tell them to "please ring the bell." tell them that we don't want thier involvement in our personal lives and that we can't afford anymore of thier taxes. write 'em, call 'em, email 'em, yell it out to them. nomatter what it takes, we have to get the point across that enough is enough. also, please feel free to copy the song and mail it to them and play it for all of your friends. we really need to make a stand. so, at the top of your lungs scream out to the government to "please ring the bell." thanks to all for your time and efforts in this matter. from the bottom of my heart, i hope you all will take this serious. may freedom ring loud and clear. ************************************************************