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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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I was born in 1977 in the back of a '62 VW somewhere lost upon the hills of Southern France on the way to a Steppenwolf show....and traded as a small child for two watermelons....I was taught English by a Irish Catholic priest in the London underground and caught the last train across the Atlantic to the white sands of Eastern NC, where I spent the majority of my childhood raised by a motorcycle club called "The Southern Sinners".....after a brief run in with the DEA, I spent seven years of my life in my early to mid twenties as a Raleigh cop in law enforcement, and enjoyed every second of it and drop of adrenaline....a mid Twenties crisis struck me with the desire to up and travel again as the days of my early youth, so I purchased a broke down '62 VW, jump started it with my buddys Torino and then set off to journey across country to San Francisco with only my dog, a busted surfboard and two watermelons. I slept at abondoned truckstops in New Mexico and had a run in with a cactus named Jesus who gave me the vision of what my future holds. The next morning I drove non stop straight to San Francisco and crashed into a lightpole somewhere on the corner of 4th and Market in a nice little freindly neighborhood appropriately named "The Tenderloin". I made camp there for the night and made lots of really close friends, which I later discovered were really vampires on their way down to a 20 years reunion at a carnival in Santa Cruz. After being robbed blind of nearly everything I owned, I jumped the San Francisco bay and stayed for a brief stint in Oakland at a bookshop located convienantly directly on the tremore line of the San Andreas fault. After a shake up, I drove the US1 into God's Country heading further South along the Pacific coastline, where I finally found my home just behind the Hell''s Angels headquarters bar and grill called " Winter's". My days were then spent winning pool tournaments with the Japanese, drinking Saki bombs with Miller light, counting the starfish on the rocks of Mori Point, fishing with a pole made from a coat hanger and speaker wire and reading every single Ethan Frome book ever written from front to back. After getting bored in my days on the beaches of Pacifica, I attended a Parisian, Le Cordon Bleu culinary school in San Francisco and cut my teeth in some of the best restaurants in the city and Bay Area and I've been chopping broccoli and burning myself ever since. Being a chef has taken me around the world from Provence to Argentina with the simple move of a fork. I cook, write, read, travel and meet interesting people in all kinds of interesting places along the way. As Jesus, the New Mexican cactus would say, I'm lucky....lucky as the day would have it.

My Interests

Oenology, Travel, Food, far away cultures, cardboard furniture, self sustaining scallop farms--say that really fast six times with a mouth full of peanut butter!A better question would be: "Am I driven by my interests? "Or just interestingly driven..."

I'd like to meet:

Jimmie Walker....People that get along with other people...People that don't assume to be cool by the clothes they wear....People that have a liitle more to offer in life than just consuming oxygen..."Elaphantitis" sufferers....fellow Red Sox fans born South of the Mason-Dixon line. Burn outs and one timers....unknown authors and poets, musicians of all ranks and least let's not forget those that are truly inspired by something.
Cool Slideshows


---Music to me is an objective of how one feels, thinks, breathes and bleeds. It can say something about everything or everything about nothing all at once or once for all. It is the poetry through sound given to human beings as a gift to enlighten, humor, and fill our souls with messages from our existance.---(Only heard and felt in person)--- "Independant jam sessions my summer of 2005 at Old Princeton Landing in Half Moon Bay, California. ---this is one of the mystical places left few and far between that echo true music from every form and fashion, every genre and style...if you ever find yourself wondering halfway between San Francisco and Santa Cruz..stop in , buy a beer and have a seat and relish in the last of the "true" American speakeasies and music halls left standing."


dont watch it...won't buy it...hate it.... especially the news....kill your television!


Currently- "The End of California" by Steve Yarborough...The book sucks by the way...don't check it out.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


I'll buy into anyone's heroic notion depending on how bored I am...Oh, almost forgot, white blood cells...

My Blog

The Chapter in your life entitled "San Francisco"

In Northern California and I had some of the best discoveries and adventures of my life. I was on a magic carpet there....not really in control of where I was or where I was going and not knowing at a...
Posted by Mike on Fri, 04 May 2007 06:49:00 PST

Air this one on the Food Network!

Recently, I was having this conversation with a friend about the wind. Well...it wasn't really about the wind....it was more or less about what we do in life. More precisely...it was about our calling...
Posted by Mike on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 09:56:00 PST


Continued from: What Matters the Most...Despite my pain and my anger, despite my turmoil with what may or may not happen to me, despite the fact that my future was now in question for the first time i...
Posted by Mike on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 06:27:00 PST

What Matters The Most...

Here it is...finally and once and for all....a true story...finally understood and connected by me and sent forward in half rythmic narrated form....I'm not a professional writer but I hope that this ...
Posted by Mike on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 08:53:00 PST

A bridge...a Line...and a Coda.

It's no longer as American as Apple pie. Yes, those were the days of Abe Lincoln, telling the truth, cherry trees and proud liberated statesmen walking among each other with smiling faces in the stree...
Posted by Mike on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 08:08:00 PST

Running With The Columbian Cartel....

Dope is a powerful thing.It steals lives...It runs over lives...It ruins lives...It takes lives...and here's the interesting story of how it changed mine....You know I've always done things the hard w...
Posted by Mike on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 11:52:00 PST

All that you can't leave behind....

I started on my way to work this morning and this struck me....completely out of the blue...and that is usually how it happens....like a thief in the night. I was driving down the Interstate, in the p...
Posted by Mike on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 10:39:00 PST

The Story of the Swiss Roll and my sweet sweet virginity...

Have we all forgotten what it was like to be young? Full of life, innocence, more than enough energy, anticipation and unexplanied emotions.....as we all grow older....stepping further and further i...
Posted by Mike on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 08:11:00 PST

Strangers in Appalachia...

If you ever find yourself hiking or biking the Appalachian Trail, you cannot leave the Blue Ridge Parkway without staying at "Rusty's". I finally have some afforded time away from the restaurant sce...
Posted by Mike on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 08:31:00 PST

Turk & Mason (A San Francisco Story Part !)

There was something about the first time I saw that city. The first time I laid mortal eyes on it's enormous grey buildings that rose on it's penninsula over it's deep blue waters...and all seen for t...
Posted by Mike on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 08:21:00 PST