MN Punk - Indie - Hardcore - The Early Years. profile picture

MN Punk - Indie - Hardcore - The Early Years.

About Me

MN PUNK DISCOGRAPHYThis is a great resource compiled by Felix Havoc and Mike Wilson

Twin Cities Flyer ArchiveOld School flyers!

Garage Productions by Michelle Strauss OhnstadA great read about early punk/hardcore shows in Minneapolis

Early MN scene report in MRR and Outcry interviewFrom around 1985

TCPUNKS VERY OWN OLLIE STENCHS' OLD SITE MySpace won't let me link to his site for some reason so just copy paste and enjoy.


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My Interests


Member Since: 21/08/2007
Sounds Like: This will be a place where you can check out some old Minnesota punk, hardcore, indie, rock bands that you may have not been able to see back in their day.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

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