Layout by:
..Fabrizio Laganà , sono nato a Roma il 16 Gennaio 1965, conosciuto anche come
‘Mr. Roots ‘n’ Culture’,
sono collezionista di dischi, DJ, promotore di concerti e di serate ed amante della musica reggae fin dal 1977; nella mia città ho collaborato ad alcuni programmi musicali presso Radio Città Futura nel 1982-83 e nel 1995 presso Power Radio Station;
ho lavorato presso la “Good Stuff Promotion†di Marco Provvedi "Mukandi Lal" e Fernando Pallone, un’organizzazione di concerti reggae e di tour sia a Roma che in tutta Italia nel periodo 1984 - 1991 nel seguente ordine: ‘ Tribute to Bob Marley ‘ 11 Maggio ‘84 Roma con gli Africa United, Different Stylee, Puff Bong e Jah Children Family Band - ‘ Tribute to Bob Marley’ 11 Maggio ‘85 a Borgo S.Vittore Cesena con Puff Bong, Different Stylee, Niominka & The Spliffire;
‘Reggae Estate ‘85 ‘ 14-15-16 Luglio’85 Roma con Gregory Isaacs, Barrington Levy, Third World, Jah Woosh, Militant Barry, Sly’n’Robbie & The Taxi Gang - Jah Woosh 8 Ottobre ‘85 al Tuxedo Club Torino - Militant Barry 30 Gennaio ‘86 Roma - Burning Spear 13 Marzo ‘86 Roma - ‘Tribute To Bob Marley’ 10 Maggio ‘86 Roma con Rainbow Stepper - ‘Reggae Estate ‘86 ‘ 15-16-17 Luglio ‘86 Roma con Black Uhuru, Aswad, Bloodfire Posse, Wailers - Burning Spear 16 Aprile ‘87 Roma - ‘Reggae Connection ‘87 16-17-18 Luglio ‘87 Roma con U Roy, Misty In Roots, Toots Hibbert, Papa Levy, Black Roots, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Mikey General, Bikey Dread - Africa United 4 Gennaio ‘88 Roma - Lorna Gee 12 Febbraio ‘88 Roma - Aswad 16 Aprile ‘88 Roma - Jimmy Cliff 29 Aprile ‘88 Roma - Wailers 6 Luglio ‘88 Roma -
‘Reggae Connection ‘88 10-14-16 Luglio ‘88 Roma con Sly’n’Robbie, Foundation, Donovan, Yellowman, King Sunny Ade (afro-music Nigeria), Dennis Brown -
‘Ariwa Showcase ‘ 2 Ottobre ‘88 Roma con Mad Professor, Sandra Cross, Macka B, Kendell Smith, Aisha - Fela ‘Anikulapo’ Kuti afro-music 15 Novembre ‘88 Roma - Daddy Freddie 10 Marzo ‘89 Roma - Mutabaruka 15 Aprile ‘89 Roma - ‘Tribute To Bob Marley’ 11 Maggio ‘89 Roma con Black Roots,
Dub Invaders, Africa United - Linton Kwesi Johnson & Dennis Bovell Dub Band 21 Settembre ‘89 Roma - ‘Reggae Superfest’ 90 16 Gennaio ‘90 Roma con Lloyd Parks & We The People Band, Dennis Brown, Freddie McGregor, Marcia Griffiths - I Jah Man Levy 22 Marzo ‘90 Roma - Misty In Roots e Adioa 24 Aprile ‘90 Roma - ‘Tribute To Bob Marley’ 11 Maggio ‘90 Roma con Three Dimension, Azikmen, Different Stylee - Aswad 30 Gennaio ‘91 Roma - Sugar Minott 12 Aprile ‘91 Roma - Culture 14 Giugno ‘91 Roma ;
ho scritto vari articoli riguardanti gli artisti reggae e la storia del reggae su riviste e fanzine nel periodo 1985 - 1989;
ho viaggiato a Londra e in Jamaica per continuare le mie ricerche e realizzare alcune interviste con i migliori artisti e musicisti;
dal giugno 1996 al giugno 1997 ho gestito una parte del negozio di dischi, denominata come ‘Roots’n’Culture Records’, specializzata nella vendita di dischi reggae d’importazione da tutto il mondo con rarità in LP, e tutto il catalogo di CD, 45giri, Discomix, Video, T-Shirt, Riviste, e cassette;
nell’Aprile del 1998 ho deciso di costruire un Sound System insieme ad altri appassionati e chiamarlo “Soul Roots “ ed abbiamo partecipato a numerose session live in tutta Italia, come Dj selecter fino al 2002;
nel luglio del 1999 ho continuato a scrivere alcuni articoli sulla rivista italiana di musica reggae “Rasta Snobâ€, dove ho dedicato alcuni Special Tribute ad alcuni artisti e veterani della storia reggae scomparsi nel 1999 quali: Augustus Pablo, Dennis Brown, I-Roy, Prince Lincoln Thompson e Joe Higgs ;
dal 2000 al 2006 ho scritto per "Reggae Revolution" articoli su Peter Tosh, Dennis Alcapone, Rod Taylor, Michael Rose, Black Uhuru, Maurice "Blacka Morwell" Wellington, Desmond Dekker, Laurel Aitken, Junior Delgado, Barry Brown, Marcia Griffiths, Junior Byles;
nel giugno 2000, ho deciso di pubblicare il risultato di tutto il lavoro svolto durante tutti i miei 30 anni dedicati al reggae (1977-2007), seguendo fin dall’inizio la carriera di ciascun artista e produttore, scrivendo questo primo libro intitolato “Massive Reggae Discographyâ€;
nel settembre 2001 fino al 2005 insieme ad altri appassionati di reggae abbiamo formato l’organizzazione No Profit “Sos Jamaica†per eventi a sostegno di campagne di sensibilizzazione verso la Jamaica, contro la pena di morte e contro tutti i casi giudiziari ed extragiudiziari rimasti insoluti;
nel luglio 2004 viene pubblicato il mio secondo libro “100 Dischi Ideali Per Capire Il Reggae†(Editori Riuniti ISBN 88-35955629 P.288) il quale verrà presentato ufficialmente il 7 maggio 2005 a Sassari presso la libreria “Messaggerie Sardeâ€, il 14 aprile 2006 a Matera presso la Sala Conferenze nel complesso de â€Le Monacelle†ed il 16 giugno 2006 a Salerno presso il “Campus In Festaâ€, all’Università di Salerno a Fisciano;
sempre il 16 giugno a Salerno ho tenuto una conferenza e dibattito dal titolo: “Reggae, musica, filosofia e cultura†presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza all’Università di Salerno;
nel febbraio 2005 ho scritto ancora alcuni articoli sulla rivista musicale JAM (num.112) in occasione del 60° compleanno di Bob Marley;
nell’ottobre 2005 insieme a Francesco Cenci (musicista reggae) abbiamo fondato l’Associazione Culturale “Social Reggae Projectâ€, organizzazione No Profit per eventi a carattere sociale e per collaborare con le associazioni di volontariato;
il 24 aprile 2006 a Roma organizziamo il primo grande evento della neonata associazione culturale, con Winston Francis (Studio One) insieme alla band romana dei Radio Maroon a sostegno di quattro associazioni di volontariato;
il 13 giugno 2006 viene organizzato il secondo grande evento a Napoli al Palapartenope, con Winston Francis e A.J. Franklyn insieme alla band napoletana One Foundation coadiuvata dal produttore e cantante Hobo alias Mariano Caiano, a sostegno dell’associazione Jolibà ;
nell’ottobre 2006 ho curato la prefazione e ho partecipato alla realizzazione della prima compilation un Cd dedicato ai 25 anni della scomparsa del grande Bob Marley, con canzoni cover di cantanti e gruppi italiani, dal titolo “Italian Reggae Tributeâ€, i cui proventi della vendita verranno devoluti alla Associazione Culturale “Exodus†per l'Ethiopia;
il 12 luglio 2007 ho partecipato alla conferenza "Reggae University" presso il Rototom Festival di Osoppo (Udine)
presentando entrambe i due libri sulla musica reggae, ed infine l'8 settembre 2007, inaugurata una nuova crew dal nome "Melody Roots Sound and Promotion" e il 22 settembre, per festeggiare i miei 30 anni di attività reggae, abbiamo organizzato una serata con EARL SIXTEEN al Forte Prenestino di Roma, per promuovere anche le sue ultime novità discografiche del grande artista giamaicano.
Il 9 aprile 2008 sono stato per la prima volta ospite in Addis Abeba Ethiopia per una serie d'incontri mirati alla conoscenza sul campo della scena musicale, delle problematiche sociali, degli aiuti verso le scuole, con contatti anche al riguardo della situazione dei Rasta nel villaggio di Shashamane...Live and Love In Zion Land!
Il 6 luglio 2008 sono stato invitato alla "Reggae University" durante il Festival del Rototom Sunsplash, il più grande festival reggae d'Europa.
Il 25 e 26 Luglio 2008 ho partecipato allo svolgimento nonchè alla programmazione a Roma del primo Festival tutto dedicato al lato cosciente della musica Afro e Reggae e alla Dancehall ad essa connessa. Il CONSCIOUS ROMASPLASH vuole essere un evento alternativo che, a partire da questa prima edizione e continuando negli anni futuri, offre uno spazio di prestigio a tutti coloro che hanno un messaggio positivo da trasmettere e promuove l’integrazione e lo scambio tra i diversi popoli.
Il CONSCIOUS ROMASPLASH inoltre ha appoggiato e sostenuto i progetti di alcune Associazioni Onlus e ONG Italiane che operano in favore dei popoli più deboli. In tal senso è nata la collaborazione con EMERGENCY e FRIENDS FOR WATER, che erano presenti all’interno della manifestazione con i loro stand. Ai progetti di aiuto ai paesi Africani di queste Associazioni è stata devoluta una parte dell’incasso della manifestazione.
Per la prima volta è stata prevista la partecipazione di artisti del conscious AfroReggae internazionale (Africani e Giamaicani) e di Band e Artisti da tutta l’Italia.
Guests stars dell’evento sono stati: AARON SILK (fratello del defunto Garnett Silk), direttamente dalla Jamaica e per la prima volta in Europa, Ras Leon Samuel e il camerunense Pablo Mastah.
L’evento ha avuto la straordinaria partecipazione di 14 Gruppi diversi e 12 Sound System, Dj and Selecters del panorama Italiano e Internazionale.
L’Open Stage pomeridiano ha offerto uno spazio a gruppi e sounds emergenti, sempre impegnati nella musica conscious, che vogliono promuovere la loro musica.
Il 13 settembre 2008 il Melody Roots Sound and Promotion ha organizzato e partecipato insieme ai ragazzi del CSOA Spartaco, alla "Notte Bianca" al Parco degli Acquedotti al Tuscolano davanti ad una platea di 15.000 spettatori, insieme ai One Love Hi-Powa e Brusco.
L'ultima serata organizzata insieme al "Melody Roots Sound and Promotion" avviene il 20 dicembre 2008 con l'arrivo da Londra di Earl Sixteen per una strabiliante serata.
Il 2009 comincia a febbraio all'insegna della quarta ristampa del mio primo libro "Massive Reggae Discography", con aggiornamenti vari in tutti i suoi capitoli.BIOGRAPHY ENGLISH......................
Born in Rome, Italy on January 16 1965, known as 'Mr.Roots'n'Culture', veteran and lover of reggae music scene, since 1977 in this country has led a reggae radio show at Radio Citta' Futura in 1982-'83, Radio Onda Rossa in 1986-1989 and at Power Radio Station in 1995;
- he has worked with an organization of reggae concerts and tours in Rome and around Italy, called
"Good Stuff Promotion" during 1984-'91;
'Tribute to Bob Marley' 11 May '84 Rome with Africa United, Different Stylee, Puff Bong e Jah Children Family Band –
' Tribute to Bob Marley' 11 May '85 in Borgo S.Vittore Cesena with Puff Bong, Different Stylee, Niominka & The Spliffire -
'Reggae Estate '85 ' 14-15-16 July '85 Rome with Gregory Isaacs, Barrington Levy, Third World,
Jah Woosh, Militant Barry, Sly'n'Robbie & The Taxi Gang –
Jah Woosh 8 October '85 at Tuxedo Club Turin (Torino)
Militant Barry 30 January '86 Rome –
Burning Spear 13 March '86 Rome –
'Tribute To Bob Marley' 10 May '86 Rome with Rainbow Stepper –
'Reggae Estate '86 ' 15-16-17 July '86 Rome with Black Uhuru, Aswad, Bloodfire Posse, Wailers - Burning Spear 16 April '87 Rome –
'Reggae Connection '87 16-17-18 July '87 Rome with U Roy, Misty In Roots, Toots Hibbert, Papa Levy, Black Roots, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Mikey General, Bikey Dread –
Africa United 4 January '88 Rome –
Lorna Gee 12 February '88 Rome –
Aswad 16 April '88 Rome –
Jimmy Cliff 29 April '88 Rome –
Wailers 6 July '88 Rome -
'Reggae Connection '88 10-14-16 July '88 Rome with Sly'n'Robbie, Foundation, Donovan, Yellowman, King Sunny Ade (afro-music Nigeria), Dennis Brown -
'Ariwa Showcase ' 2 October '88 Rome with Mad Professor, Sandra Cross, Macka B, Kendell Smith, Aisha –
Fela 'Anikulapo' Kuti afro-music 15 November '88 Rome –
Daddy Freddie 10 March '89 Rome –
Mutabaruka 15 April '89 Rome –
'Tribute To Bob Marley' 11 May '89 Rome with Black Roots, Dub Invaders, Africa United –
Linton Kwesi Johnson & Dennis Bovell Dub Band 21 September '89 Rome –
'Reggae Superfest' 90 16 January '90 Rome with Lloyd Parks & We The People Band, Dennis Brown, Freddie McGregor, Marcia Griffiths –
I Jah Man Levy 22 March '90 Rome –
Misty In Roots e Adioa 24 April '90 Rome –
'Tribute To Bob Marley' 11 May '90 Rome with Three Dimension, Azikmen, Different Stylee - Aswad 30 January '91 Rome –
Sugar Minott 12 April '91 Rome –
Culture 14 June '91 Rome ;
- he has writed in reggae magazines and fanzines some articles about artists and the history of reggae music during 1985-92;
- he has travelled to Jamaica and to London to continue his research and with his interview with the best singers and groups;
- in june '96 until may '97, he had open the new records space in a records shop called "Roots'n'Culture Records", specializing in records, vinyl, lp, singles, discomix, tapes, cds, t-shirts, video, magazine;
- he is a record collector, dj selecter, and promoter of reggae dancehall sessions and concerts;
in the April 1998, (until 2002) he decided to build a sound system with some friends and called "Soul Roots";
- in the July 1998, he started again to write his good reggae articles on the Italian Reggae Review called "Rasta Snob" to write a Special Tributes to reggae artists passed away in the 1999, like Augustus Pablo, Dennis Brown, Prince Lincoln Thompson, I-Roy, Joe Higgs, and various articles of Luciano, Prince Far I, Trinity, Culture, Beres Hammond, U Roy and in 2000 other artists passing like Bim Sherman and Maurice 'Blacka Morwell' Wellington, and he writed now on "Reggae Revolution" review the special Tribute to Hon. Peter Tosh and an article on Dennis Alcapone;
- from 2000 at 2006, he has wrote to "Reggae Revolution" some articles of Peter Tosh, Dennis Alcapone, Rod Taylor, Michael Rose, Black Uhuru, Maurice "Blacka Morwell" Wellington, Desmond Dekker, Laurel Aitken, Junior Delgado, Barry Brown, Marcia Griffiths, Junior Byles;
- today (first edition issued on june 2000) he has decided to issue the results of his hard labour during his 30 years (now in 2007) of passion for reggae music and follow each artist for their musical careers like singers or producers, writing the book entitled “Massive Reggae Discography†available also in English version and only on Cd rom;
- on july 2004, he has writed the second pubblication book (only in italian language) intitled “100 Dischi Ideali Per Capire Il Reggae†(Editori Riuniti ISBN 88-35955629 pages 288);
- on january 15 2005, he organized his 40th Birthday Party with Alton Ellis at CSA Intifada Rome;
on february 2005, he wrote some articles about the 60°th Anniversary of Birthday of Bob Marley on musical magazine JAM;
- on october 2005, together with Francesco Cenci (reggae musician) founded The Cultural Association “Social Reggae Projectâ€, an organization No Profit for special events to social problems and to collaborate with volunteer associations;
- on april 24 2006, in Rome he organized the first event with Winston Francis (Studio One) backed by the Italian band Radio Maroon;
- on june 13 2006, he organized the second event in Naples, with Winston Francis and A.J. Franklyn backed by another Italian band One Foundation;
- on july 2006, he organized one night at the Italian Reggae Festival “Positive Vibration†with the veteran artist like U Brown backed by another Italian Reggae Band Shanty Band;
- on july 12 2007, he stayed at the conference of “The Reggae University†at the European Reggae Festival like Rototom Sunsplash in Osoppo Udine Italy to describes his two reggae books;
- on September 8 2007, with Mario Lorusso and his friends founded another musical group like “Melody Roots Sound†not a sound system but a new version of reggae music live with new singers female and male together, a very talent to appreciate young and old school of reggae music;
- on September 22 2007, for his 30th Reggae Anniversary in his reggae works, life and passion he organized a live show with another star of reggae sound, Mr. Earl “Sixteen†Daley.
In the next april 9 2008 I will go for the first time in Addis Ababa Ethiopia for touring to know better the place of birth of earth, to help schools, to visit some organizations of human and civil rights and to play only Roots Conscious Music.
In the july 9th 2008 I'm invited to the Reggae University inside the most important International Reggae Festival like "Rototom Sunsplash".........MASSIVE REGGAE DISCOGRAPHY introduction:After so many years of almost unlimited research and after that so many talents and voices coming out from Jamaica, United Kingdom (and from the whole of Europe) and the United States, I decided to write this book collecting the best of musical production in the last 40 years all over the world.
The idea of this book actually came out after I had read so many wrong information about reggae music, artists and discography suggestions to public. Moreover after so many years (in 2007 it will be 30 years since I started searching and loving about reggae music), I have read almost everything about reggae, about its producers, its singers, its printers but who are its players?
No publication has ever been able to list all the musicians that in the last thirty years have taken this music around the world together with its message of peace, equality and solidariety, of love for people. A message of rejection for any kind of logic preferring “having†rather than “being†and that pushing power and money up in the scale of good values has created an oppressing environment of hate and violence.
It was not that easy to make the complete list of reggae artists in the last thirty years as it is not easy to define who is playing what in each song in each record, and it is not easy to trace musicians changes from one band to another one, or from one instrument to the other in the same band.
On more big difficult was that sometimes the same record might have been published in 2, 3 or even 4 different countries in the same period or in different periods. For instance Virgin/Frontline, Island and Trojan have always been producing both in Germany, in France and in Italy since the 60’s – 70’s. Hence you can find the same record published with 3 or 4 different code numbers. That’s why you find in the book several code numbers for the same record.
Furthermore artists have been sorted after the initial letter of their first name (not the family name), thus making easier and quicker the search (for instance you will find Bob Andy just as Bob and not as Andy).
I apologize in advance with my readers for any mistake I might have make in such a big hard work. Sometimes some of titles will have no label and neither the matrix. This is due to the fact that sometimes records do not have the production year nor the label on the vinyl nor on the cover.
During my searches I’ve find an incredible number of discographies, 1770 alphabetical of reggae artists around the world, Jamaica, UK, America, Italy, France, Holland, Brazil, Germany and other nations, with some name of new artist and new reggae band.
In the book also has includes a chapter dedicated at the history of Jamaica, with Arawaks and Maroons, the late of Marcus “Mosiah†Garvey, the politic events in Jamaica since the Independence on 1962 until 2000; a chapter dedicated to Robert Nesta Marley, the history of reggae, with the cronological periods and the list of artist/label producer. Complete the index of the book, a big list of the name of reggae artists with bio-information, the list of reggae music records shop in the world with address and phone number.
During my three trips I had to Jamaica and the seven to London I tried to collect as many information as possible. In Jamaica, in the years ‘92 - ‘94 I have met almost all the great names of reggae; they helped me to find the data that were missing to my discography.
Mr. Vincent “Vin†Gordon, playing trombone for the unforgettable Bob Marley, was of the greatest importance to me; he let me met many artists, such as Mr.Winston “King Stitt†Cooper and his wife. We met in their house in Kingston, in Brentford Road, right beside the Studio One old building, were I had the chance to find quite a lot of material both for my private collection and for my research.
As I cannot tell the story of all of my trips in this book, I will simply write the names of those who have helped me with my research. Thus many thanks to:
Mr. Derrick “Chariott†Harriott, for letting me work on his complete discography in his shop in Kingston, close to the Aquarius Studios;
Mr. Pat Kelly for remembering in his concert in Brixton London, on 09/11/96 that we had already met in the Kaiser’s Cafè in Negril Jamaica, during his show on the 14/03/94 and giving me the complete list of his records;
Mr. Al Campbell (we met behind the Aquarius Studios) gave me his record “Talk’bout loveâ€; Mr. Herman “Bongo Herman†Davies, Mr. Ken “Rocksteady†Boothe and the unforgettable Hon. Mr. Delroy Wilson were helpful.
I also want to remember and thank: Jimmy Cliff,whom I met in his records shop “Oneness“ in Montego Bay Jamaica, for remembering of that concert in 1982 in “Tendastrisce†theatre in Rome, together to the greatest guitarist of all times, Mr. Earl “Chinna†Smith;
Sly Dunbar, whom I met in his studios right over the Sonic Sounds in Retirement Road Kingston, together with Mr. Huford “ U “ Brown;
Mr. Horace “Augustus Pablo“ Swaby whom I met in his record shop in Orange Street Kingston, and who let me know his three labels Message, Rockers and Yard Music and gave me all the relevant discographic data;
Mr. Wilburn “Stranger Jah“ Cole, with whom I met once near the Randy’s shop in the North Parade market in Kingston, together with Mr. Manley “Big Jah Youth†Buchanan and a second time in Negril during of his show at the MXIII Entertainment Centre.
I had some difficulties in trying to meet Mr. Lloyd “King Jammy†James in his studios in St. Lucia Road, downtown Kingston, where he was working at his compilation “Singer Sensationâ€. I met there Tinga Stewart, Johnny Osbourne, Leroy Smart, with whom I had already met at the Kaiser’s Cafè in Negril during his show, and Jack Radics who was the new emerging voice in those years (1992).
Before closing the Jamaican period I want to mention also:
Charlie Chaplin, Brigader Jerry, Beres Hammond, Yellowman, Mighty Diamonds, Sugar Minott, John Holt, Marcia Griffiths, Frankie Paul, Pinchers, Barrington Levy, Dennis Brown, Cocoa Tea, Half Pint, Judy Mowatt, Andrew Tosh, the son of another of the reggae legends Peter Tosh, Lloyd Parks with his “We the People Bandâ€, and finally Dean Fraser who was able to remember his concert in Rome together with the Taxi Gang, on the 15/07/85, birthday of Mr. Gregory “Cool Ruler†Isaacs, the better days are gone!!!
I started my British period with my first trip to London in Easter 1984, when I took a lot of material for my records collection and when I met Gregory Isaacs, before we met again in Rome the following year, Dennis Brown, Triston Palmer, Tony Tuff and Michael Prophet.
During my last trip to London, in Nov.’96, I met Alton Ellis in his records shop in Granville Arcade near Coldharbour Lane Brixton, Pat Kelly, Derrick Morgan, Gregory Isaacs, U Roy and Mad Professor.
Again in London I met Tinga Stewart, Ninjaman and Pablo Moses in April ‘91;
Buju Banton, Wayne Wonder, Jah Shaka, Norman Grant of the Twinkle Brothers, Justin Hinds and Freddie McGregor in Oxford Street, in the very centre, in the period october-november ‘92, Burning Spear in ‘95.
The Italian period is the longest one and the richest of contacts and promotion of reggae concerts. It starts in the month of july 1979 when Mr.Winston “Burning Spear†Rodney came for the first time to Castelporziano Rome, for a beach concert like in Jamaica.
In may 1980 Mr. Peter Tosh came to the “Festa Dell’Unità †(“Unity Festâ€) in Rome, but in the month of june 1980 Hon. Mr. Robert Nesta Marley gave an unforgettable concert during his italian two-days tour, first in Milan with 100,000 fans and then in Turin with 70,000 peoples.
Later on, in 1982 Jimmy Cliff and The Oneness Band came and in the month of July of that same year I met Clint Eastwood and General Saint, in those days, were stirring the public with their two Lps: ‘Stop That Train’ and ‘Two Bad D.J.’.
On the 14-15-16th of July 1985 all the most relevant reggae artists of that time came to Rome: Gregory Isaacs with Sly Dunmbar, Robbie Shakespeare and The Taxi Gang, Barrington Levy, Third World, Jah Woosh and Militant Barry. In July 1986 Burning Spear, Black Uhuru, Aswad, Bloodfire Posse. In July 1987 U Roy, Misty In Roots, Oscar ‘Toots’ Hibbert (unfortunately The Maytals where not with him), Black Roots and Linton Kwesi Johnson. In 1988 the Burning Spear came once more and the Aswad (on April 16th) and in the mouth of July of that same year Dennis Brown, Yellowman, Donovan and The Foundation came, all backed by Sly’n’Robbie and The Taxi Gang. In 1989 UB 40 and The Black Roots.
On January 16th 1990 Dennis Brown, Freddie McGregor, Marcia Griffiths and Lloyd Parks And We The People came; it was an unforgettable night at The Piper Disco.
After 1990, I remember I met Mr. Allen “Mutabaruka†Hope on the 30.01.91, the Aswad on 12.04.91 and Mr. Lincoln “Sugar Buga†Minott, with whom I had a long conversation on what had happened in The Youth Promotion, his label and his Posse.I also remember the shows of Culture with Mr. Joseph Hill on the 14.06.91, of Jimmy Cliff and Ansel Collins on the 07.07.92, another show with Culture on 28.01.93, Albert Griffiths and The Gladiators on the 22.02.93, and The Itals on the 07.04.93.
During 1995 Gregory Isaacs came, and also Yellowman in good shape, Mad Professor, almost at home in Rome with a concert a year, with his complete band “The Robotiksâ€, Macka B, Pato Banton, Aisha, Kofi, Sister Audrey, Sharifa, and Earl Sixteen.
In 1996 a big concert with Freddie McGregor, Half Pint and Lee “Scratch†Perry.
Mr. Mark “Buju Banton†Myrie came three times to Rome and has enchanted the public with his new “Soul Prophet†style. The first show was on June with a great performance organized by “One Love HI-Pawa†Sound System guys,and promoter of another great show on February 1997 with Everton Blender and Tony Rebel. The second Buju show was on June 1997 with a special guest Mrs.Twiggy a female vocal of Penthouse Label, a great sweet voice in a combination with Buju Banton, it was an enthusiastic night.
In September Mr. Burning Spear came again for a new concert and to introduce his last Lp called “Appointment With His Majestyâ€, uncredibly rich with horns section; then a concert in Rome on the 16.12.97 with Mad Professor, Robotiks and Macka B, in the area of The Fiumicino Airport; on the 21.02.98 Laurel ‘Ska’ Aitken and a special show on the 26.02.98 with Steve ‘Blood and Fire’ Barrow like a selecter together with Ranking Joe, U Brown and Joseph ‘Jah Walton’Cotton.
On the 12.04.98 I met Mr. Alton “Rocksteady†Ellis with his special hits from Studio One period; on the 26.04.98 I met the new jamaican star Mr. Anthony “B†Blair, after his success of the first LP ‘Real Revolutionary’, the second new album is called ‘Universal Struggle’;on the 10.07.98 at ‘Fiesta Festival’ in Rome I met Steve Hinds leader of Steel Pulse Band, during his show , that night play a selection of new songs and few of the oldest; on the 13.07.98 the third show of Buju Banton, organizing by Down Beat guys at Sporting Centre of Anzio (Rome) and supported by the new Sound System in Rome “Soul Rootsâ€.
Now I would spend some words about the music market current trends. Lesser and lesser vinyl is being produced (made exception for 7†and 12†Disco). After the CD was launched they tend to produce that small metallic disc first, the, after checking the real market results, the same record will be produced on vinyl also, if the convenience is there. Whatever they produce, once fact is sure, you always find on the CD version 3 or 4 tracks, called “bonus tracks†that have not been included in the vinyl version. In the very last years thinks are starting to change. The appeal of the vinyl record is back again, together with its cover, possibly those old ones from the Studio One, where you might have find in also detergent grains (it happened not to me and to other collectors), as once they used to recycle as much cardboard as possible in order to better protect the record.
While remembering the new reissue of historical records, unforgettable and rare, I want to mention Steve Barrow from the label “Blood and Fire†in Manchester, who is doing his best to find old material, remasterize it, and reprint it with its original sound, I tell you, it is not easy.
Many artists and musicians have disappeared in Jamaica, above all during the years 1984-1994. I tried to find the real names and surnames of all of these, their date of birth and death, in order to remember them forever and, why not, to dedicate to them some “Special Tributeâ€. So far I take the chance to dedicate this book to all of those who died. Among them I want to mention: Mr.Garnett “Silk†Smith, Mr. Erlando “Early B The Doctor†Neil, Mr. Delroy Wilson, Mr. Cecil “Nicodemus†Wellington, Mr. Gene Rondo, Mr. Ras Sam Brown, and the missing star, I’m talking about of one of the most important musician in the world, Mr. Hon. Tommy McCook from old school of Skatalites, with his sax has contributed to make each instrumental version a very great history of the reggae scene. On june 1997 the legendary voice of Mr.Devon Russell passed away.
On the May 4th 1998 he is passed away in Atlanta Georgia (USA) but I want to remember him with his instrumental version called ‘Rasta De Master’ from Lp ‘Hot Lava’.
Again another “foundation member†of the Skatalites passed away in November 11 1998 with the lost of Mr. Hon. Roland “Al Pancho†Alphonso.
But the very sad period we find it in the years 1999 and 2000, where a lot of the reggae stars passed away, the incredibile sad period never seen before in all reggae history, like:
Mr. Prince Lincoln Thompson, leader of the historical reggae group like “The Royal Rasses†passed away in January 14th 1999;
Mrs. Cynthia Schloss in February 25th 1999;
Mr. Horace “Augustus Pablo†Swaby in May 19th 1999;
Mr. Patrick “Jah Lion/Jah Lloyd†Francis in July 1999;
Mr. Junior “Wailer†Braithwaite in June 5th 1999;
Mr. Hon. Dennis Emmanuel Brown in July 1st 1999;
Mr. Mickey Wallace, bassist and the member of the “Chalice†reggae group, in July 7th 1999;
Mr. Roy Samuel Reid “I Roy†in November 30th 1999;
Mr. Joe “Wailer†Higgs in December 18th 1999 and in the 2000 we lost the great jamaican producer like Mr. Henry “Junjo†Lawes, owner of the famous labels like “Volcano†and “Arrivalâ€, the female singer like Mrs. Dhaima Sandra in May 9th 2000, female partner with Dennis Brown during the recording session period in the Joe Gibbs Studio;
Mrs. Hortense Ellis, the veteran singer female of Studio One in October 19th 2000;
Mr. Maurice “Blacka Morwell†Wellington, members of the roots vocal trio “Morwells†and he was a brother of Cecil “Nicodemus†Wellington, in October 19th 2000, the same day of Hortense Ellis and in the same month october 2000 Mr. Tyrone “Don†Evans;
Mr. Winston Grennan in October 27th 2000;
Mr. Bim “The Lion†Sherman in November 11st 2000.
But again in the 2001 we’ve lost another musicians like Mr. Ras Pidow in March 22nd,
Mr. Gurney Man in April, the veteran pianist and keyboard like Mr. Hon. Theophilus “Snappy†Beckford in February 20th and the last missing reggae star like a veteran drummer
Mr. Carl Ayton on December 23rd 2001;
another young singer like Black Rat passed away on july 20 2002;
Mr. David Scott alias Dj Scott on february 2 2003;
Mr. George Faith on april 16 2003;
Mr. Roman Stewart on january 25 2004 and in the same month Turbo Belly;
The veteran singer Simple Simon, the similar voice like Eek-a-Mouse, passed away on february 6 2004;
the incredible list continues with Mrs. Phyllis Dillon, female veteran singer on april 15 2004;
the veteran, pioneer like Mr. Coxsone Dodd of Studio One Recording Studio on may 4 2004;
the beautiful voice of Mr. Barry Brown passed away on may 29 2004;
the genius engineer of Mr. Errol "E.T." Thompson on november 14 2004;
the historic and veteran lead singer of eternal group of Dominoes Mr. Justin Hinds passed away on march 17 2005;
the great man, the great voice of Junior "Jux" Delgado on april 10 2005;
the veteran singer of Rockers International Label by Augustus Pablo lost the voice of Jah Bull on june 2005;
the guitarist Fazal Prendergast on april 1st 2005;
the foundation man like a producer and singer Mr. Clancy Eccles on june 30 2005;
and in the same day another sweet star passed away like the beautiful person of Mrs. Jennifer Lara;
Mr. Johnny Ringo on july 11 2005;
the another great historic man of ska music like a person of Mr. Laurel Aitken passed away on july 17 2005;
the very good friend like Michael "Zap Pow" Williams, member of the group of Beres Hammond in the 70’s, passed away on august 9 2005;
Baby Wayne, very young artist passed away on october 28 2005;
the great leader and foundation man of the Melodians group like Brent Dowe passed away on january 29 2006;
the great, the late of the first and important chronological singer of the history of reggae-ska music like Mr. Desmond Dekker passed away on may 24 2006;
the beautiful person who meet in Kingston Jamaica inside Aquarius Studios like Ruddy “Feeling Soul†Thomas passed away on june 17 2006;
the late of the great female vocalist like Louise "Miss Lou" Bennett on july 26 2006;
the incredible missing star voice with the late, the great person who meet a lot of times around his concerts around the world Mr. Joseph “Culture†Hill passed away on august 19 2006;
and the other reggae stars passed away with Mr. Charles Hyatt on january 1 2007;
Mr. Stanley Beckford on march 30 2007 and the veteran singer and musician of Studio One Foundation like Leroy “Roy†Richards on may 25 2007 and Jerome Hines alias Jah Jerry, historic guitarist from the legendary band of Skatalites during the Studio One period, passed away on august 16; but the incredible killed of Lucky Dube (the best african reggae star)on october 18 2007 in South Africa, shocked the world entire for the criminal act; the missing star like Mr. Tyrone Taylor passed away on 1st december 2007; the founder of Dynamite Label like Clive Jarrett brutally shot dead in his house in Kingston Jamaica on january 31 2008; the passed away of one the most important musical sound engeneer, the late of the Jamaican King Sound like Joe Gibbs on february 20 2008 and again the missing REGGAE STAR like Michael Campbell alias the famous and historical DJ Master Mikey Dread that passed away march 15 2008 and again the missing reggae star like the lead vocalist of Matumbi, the famous reggae british roots era, of Bevin Fagan; in july 2008 the founder of the famous initial vocal duo like "The Uniques" with Slim Smith, Mr. Roy Shirley passed away in Great Britain but nothing news about the date, place and cause of decessed; another missing shining star is Johnny "Dizzy" Moore, on August 16 2008 the most famous trumpet of the number one historical "Reggae Band" like the Skatalites, the most important of the entire Reggae Music Era; the last two, missing producers in the golden era is Clifton "Larry" Lawrence from Leslie Kong period and Upsetters team up on studio, died on August 2008 after a long cancer battle, and Bertram Brown, legendary and founder of Freedom Sounds label, died on September 8 2008 at the age 58.
Now, the One and Only Great Man like Mr.Soul of Jamaica, Alton Ellis passed away on October 8 2008 after a long battle against the cancer; the greatest artist and producer like Byron Lee passed away on November 4 2008.
The shocking time continues for me, to see a lot of the missing artists and good friends passed in the sky of firmament of Reggae Heart Music. My hope is to wish you good reading, good research of your favourite artist or band, to know better Roots Reggae Music, but, what’s more important, good vibes with reggae sounds in your soul, in your mind but directly in your heart to spread out only serious and conscious music and right messages to the next young generations and to build a very better world inna very better good life.