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West, West Baby


About Me

"17, and I've realized, Everything you want's not meant to be. 17 then you qualify, The standard to responsibilities. So I tried to prioritize By deciding what I know is best for me.And then there's always, love that tries to trip you up. You try to catch yourself before you hit the ground. But nothings promised. Friends are there to cheer you up, To give you strength and mend you up when you are down. So I set sail emotionI say So long, farewell, My life's moving forward. My ship has sailed, And I'm so glad it's over. My heart is well, After all that I've been through I found myself.22, I hope that I'm, With someone who truly cares for me. If I'm not, I'll be alright, I'll accept the time i know God has for me. One day I'll be the perfect wife. That's what destiny, And i won't be afraid to try though is always....Love that tries to trip you up But then someone who sweep you off the ground, But nothings promised. I'm not gonna give it up Just because the last one let me down. So I set sail emotion.I'm looking out for me, Taking care of my needs. Life isn't guaranteed, It's time to start living. It wont always be the same, Can't be afraid of change. You wanna have your way, Demand till your Satisfied You lower your self esteem, You gotta live your dream. It's all bout confidence, To let them know that you can stand up. You never try, Learn to express you mind. Sometimes you gotta fight, It's your life so don't you give up.""Sutra sta ce biti to samo bog zna sta god da mi se desi negde ovde bicu jaUvek slobodan i srecan neka bude kako mora sreca jedino je vazna znam da bog ce da mi daNegde ovde bicu ja i moje lavlje srce uvek kuca pa bog kako mi da to sam ja uvek slobodan i sve sto ja bih hteo to meni bog uvek da...""Sve na lepsu stranu zivota okreni, Samo tiho ti prepusti se meni, Zatvori oci i sanjaj sne jer jednog dana tvoj san ostvarice se...""Ja hocu zivot, bolji zivot, da ga zgrabim poput tigra zivot nije decja igra. Ja hocu vise, hocu bolje jos, hocu sve pa kako bude. Sto to vredi kad ne spadam u taj soj jer zivot trazi bolje ljude.Ja hocu zivot, sve il nista, ocu glavni zgoditak To moj je moto ali jos ipak, nesto ipak tu ne stima zivot nije loto.Ja hocu zivot, bolji zivot, lupam glavu posred zida Gde je tanko tu se kida. Ja hocu ipak da ostvarim san, zelje sve, pa kako bude. Sta to vredi kad ne spadam u taj soj jer zivot trazi bolje ljude."E PA OVAKO MISLIM DA JE RED DA IPAK I SAMA SROCIM NESTO... MADA NE BIH ZNALA STA DA KAZEM... SEM DA GORE SPOMENUTI STIHOVI GOVORE VISE NEGO STO BIH JA SAMA REKLA... U SVAKOM OD NJIH SAM SE PRONASLA I ZATO SE OVDE I NALAZE... MISLIM DA JE TO DOVOLJNO... P.S. KROZ ZIVOT SAMO SA OSMEHOM!!!! NERVIRANJE UTICE NA SPOLJASNJU ALI I NA UNUTRASNJU LEPOTU COVEKA!!!!KISS 2 ALL!!! LUV YA!!! PEACE!!!

My Interests

Hip Hop, Dancin, Workout...




Juice, Honey, You Got Served, Boyz N The Hood, Scarface i naravno RANE!


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