Every girl deserves to dream...
Every girl deserves hope...
Every girl deserves to love and to be loved...
Every girl deserves to dance.
When she dances she is alive. When she dances she is free. Free to live, to laugh, to love.
She's free in her heart. Free in her spirit. She's free in Jesus Christ.There are 27 million people around the world held in slavery today. Half of them are children under the age of eighteen. There are 800,000 girls trafficked across international borders each year for the purpose of sexual exploitation. An estimated 30,000-50,000 sex slaves are in the U.S. today. Slavery also known as "human trafficking" generates $31 billion annually and is the third largest form of organized crime in the world today."Girls and boys, women and men of all ages are forced to toil in the rug loom sheds of Nepal, sell their bodies in the brothels of Rome, break rocks in the quarries of Pakistan, and fight wars in the jungles of Africa." (batstone-not for sale)"She dances" is a movement committed to help fight for the freedom of those so wrongfully placed in a world of slavery and injustice. By connecting people through art, music, passions, talents, a t-shirt, and love we strive to engage the movement of freedom. It starts with you..it starts with me..as we join with other abolitionists who give of themselves to give others hope. Be the change...be the movement. She deserves hope. She deserves love. She deserves freedom.