To get a proper idea of what The Being is about musicwise, please make sure to play all four tracks in this profile as they differ a great deal from one another.
The initial idea for this project took shape in june 2007 when the artist/musician that goes by the name 'The Being' decided to add a musical leg to the body that is The Being. With music comes vision and with vision comes music, they are one and so is The Being; A combination of different forms of art: Music, poetry and visual expression.
The Being is a project of a very experimental nature: There is no such thing in The Being as a fixed style. Everything surrounding it is based upon moods, ideas and chance. The lyrics and certain parts of the music are written up front, the rest happens in the studio and is up to the moment.
Besides the more conventional instruments, The Being makes use of various less conventional instruments several of wich are built out of animal remains such as skulls, bones and fragments of both. This ofcourse adds a rather macabre touch to the moods involved when creating the music and that is how it should be because: "Mors principium est"... Death is the beginning.