We are the Kentucky Derbies, we are from a windy city in the North East of England, and this is some music we have made, in a bedroom, in said windy city.
One luminary said:
"Kentucky Derbies ride into town and you're gonna lock up your slaughters. Chief- Derby Nicolas mind-warps his laconic visions through a plasterer's radio before it hits the mixing desk and when he says he's in love you'd best BELIEVE he's in love. S.U.V.
Whisky whisky warning! Don't attempt to DL this to anything else than a 4terra pod; it'll simply melt your puny tech.
Catch this cat before yesterday's show at Bumrip, The Myra Handies are supporting.
Peace. Out."
You can listen to the songs here, or you can download them to your iPod and play them to pretty girls / boys who you meet in nightclubs.
Join the Facebook Group , if you're a Facebook sort of person.