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Ben Dutta

I'm so white, during the riots, I went out and bought a television!

About Me

I'm half honky, half hindu.
The Bad:
I play hockey, I watch hockey, I sleep hockey
I can sing the pledge of allegiance
I know where the U.S.A. is on a map
The Good:
I'm not involved with dog fighting
I dont take performance drugs
And I dont fix NBA games.

It's like my man 50 Cent says, "Get rich or die trying".

My Interests

Hockey, hockey, and more hockey .. width="425" height="350">.. ....> Also Deloreans

I'd like to meet:

A high class hooker like Julia Roberts from Pretty Women, the chick from Total Recall with the 3 boobs and I want to get drunk with Dave Attell.Oh and last but not least, a chick who doesnt talk on her cell phone 24/7.


Everything. This is has got to be my favorite album... 40oz. To Freedom. In my opinion, it is reggae, rap, and rock all mixed togheter. It's one of those few albums where you can put in and just let it play... no track skips.


Forrest Gump.


Sports and anything on the History Channel and Food Channel. Everything else on tv has gone down the shit hole.


Anything that doesnt bore me.


Axel Foley Howard Stern Superman

My Blog

Charlie Chaplin - The Drug Dealer Made this for my class....
Posted by Ben Dutta on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 01:35:00 PST

4 old ladies beat up a guy ...
Posted by Ben Dutta on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 03:48:00 PST

The Ipod Impact - not just a player

 The Ipod Impact   Probably known as the "best invention of the decade", the Ipod, a gadget that plays mp3 music, has not only not only changed the way we listen to music, but also the w...
Posted by Ben Dutta on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 02:17:00 PST


I just got this in the mail and the fine is $361 dollars, but the look on my face is classic . I was on my way to the gym, tried to beat the yellow light, and FLASH! It was like 20 paparazzi came...
Posted by Ben Dutta on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 04:44:00 PST

On the radio talking about my car getting towed

I was on the radio yesterday on Jeff & Jer talking about the infamous night I got pulled over, towed, and robbed by the tow truck driver. Although it was nothing really valuable; still, you d...
Posted by Ben Dutta on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 04:18:00 PST

Pussy Whipped

Is it just me, or are more and more guys now a day's pussy whipped by their girlfriends all because of text messaging? Like as if a common phone call wasn't enough, now it seems forgetting your cell p...
Posted by Ben Dutta on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 04:49:00 PST