Joshua profile picture


I am here for Dating

About Me

Artistic dancing skateboarder who likes good food, people watching with catty bitches, and giving just as much as recieving ;)

My Interests

Art, skating, art, eating good food, art, good sex, art, celebrating 4:20, art, heckling those damn hipsters, and art.

I'd like to meet:

Tiny, smart(ass), down to earth sexpot with good style and better taste.


Punk rock, Hip Hop, Jungle, Breaks


House of Yes, Freeway, True Romance, Party Girl, Valley Girl, Heathers, Princess Bride, Gleaming the Cube, Lost Angels, Legend, Labyrinth, Muppets Movies, Brat Pack movies, all the great trilogies, Big Trouble Little China, Streets of Fire


Tao of Pooh, Vurt, Shop Girl, Memoirs of a Geisha, Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series, American Psycho, anything by David Sedaris, biographies of favorite artists. Perioticals are my life: fashion mags, art mags, skate mags.


Pacasso, Rodney Mullen, Karl Lagerfeld, Frank Sinatra and Sid Vicious