Bonnie, Viking helmets, pirates, skateboards, coffee, guitars basses and upright basses, loud music, , skis, wearing underwear, not washing my hair, flags, latenight spotlight backyard soccer, tripping in my dream and freaking out, using the excuse that i dont eat meat to not help customers at work, campfires, drawing pictures, watching people think while they are walking, games
Heres a little video i made for a class
lately Tim Armstrong, BRIGHT EYES, Bob Dylan, Miles Davis
Anything that will entertain me for an hour and a half
The Daily Show, Seinfeld, The Office is the best show ever
Dharma Punx is really the only book ive read voluntarily, i was reading a guide to recognizing your saints, but i saw the movie. i wouldnt have finished it anyways
-Joe Strummer-Bob Dylan-the Ramones-musicians who do what they want-Frank Gehry-Frank Loyd Wright-Bonnie-my parents-All my friends are badass