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The WILIN CENTRE is a leading National centre of excellence in Indigenous Australian Arts. Situated at the University of Melbourne, Southbank in the heart of the Faculty of VCAM, the centre provides significant support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students studying at VCAM, alongside a strong Indigenous cultural presence on campus. Through this, the centre offers student support, mentoring, tutoring, hosts artists-in-residences, cultural activities and celebrations in a culturally safe space.
Within the Indigenous arts sector the WILIN CENTRE is at the forefront of groundbreaking initiatives. From enabling creative leadership to excel within a global context, to strategic mutual partnerships of benefit to the arts and tertiary industries, to providing a platform for the sector to engage in critical discourse. The WILIN CENTRE remains firmly committed to positive outcomes, success and best practice.
Wilin [W-ill-in] means fire in the language of the Woi Wurrung [Woy Wh-irr ung] people of the Kulin [Cool-in] Nation. Fire is symbolic to the staff and students as our centre conducts an annual program of activities to ignite creativity, regenerate the sector and burn brightly amongst the educational landscape. We keep the fire burning for the Indigenous community to be nurtured, harnessed and shared by all.