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I am here for Friends

About Me

Well how do I start. My name is Kieran, I was born in Long Beach. I wish the world could just let it be. I consider myself pretty open minded and willing to try new things. I give massages to just about anybody who asks. I understand that C.R.E.A.M. is sadly true. If you want to get to know me just message me =]

My Interests

The "who are you? - getting to know you" Survey!:

Name? Kieran Quinn Shackleton
Age? 14
Current location? I don't rightfully know
Place of birth? Los Angeles
Favorite hobby? Skateboarding
Play any musical instruments? Not really Just alittle guitar
Can you sing? Not at all
Favorite band/music group/composer? It would have to be Queens of the Stone Age
Favorite type of music? Rock and Metal
Favorite place to hangout? My friends houses
Do you like to travel? I love to I just don't do it often
What is the coolest place you have ever been to on vacation? Wichata visiting family
Favorite movie? Donnie Darko
Favorite song? Uhhh fuck I have no idea
Favorite TV show? Scrubs
Views on the world (semi-serious questions)
What do you think of politics? Well most can suck my balls
What do you think of President Bush? Moron, or greatest President ever? Absolute fucking worst presedent ever....Losing faith in humanity
What do you think of the war in Iraq? Brilliant effort by a great leader, or waste of life, time and tax dollars? Waste of life and happiness
If the draft was implemented, and you were summoned, what would you do? My whole family is moving to Canada
What do you think is the worst problem the world is currently facing? Presedent Bush
Do you like answering these types of questions? Kinda
What do you look for in the opposite sex? The ability to understand
What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes and Height....Don't ask me why
Would you engage in a long-term, serious relationship with a total idiot because they were physically attractive? Uhh maybe havnt had it happen...Well maybe once
Preferred hair color? Blonde or Red
Preferred eye color? Blue
Preferred weight? Less than me
Would you date someone heavier than yourself? Most likely not....Maybe like 2 lbs.
Preferred height? Again less then me
Would you date someone taller than yourself? Maybe
Are your parents still together? Not sence I was eight
Do you live with them? Yep
Any siblings? Yes one and he is the coolest little brother ever
Are you and your family close? Yes then know everything I do
Your family heritage is? Irish
Do you have a best friend? Yes I do
Many close friends? Too many
Would you consider yourself popular? Not in the least
Has a friend ever betrayed you? Yes...A few times
Have you ever betrayed a friend? Maybe...I think soo
Do you like any of your friends as "more than a friend", but too afraid to make your feelings known? I always let people know my feelings
Do you think any of your friends have a crush on you? I dont know maybe
What kinds of things do you and your friends do together for fun? Many things
This or that
Love or money? Love
Water or soda? Water
Coffee or tea? I hate coffee ....Definatly tea
School or work? Work
Crime or law-abiding? I wouldnt say either
Fast or slow? Fast, very very fast
Cold or warm? Cold
Beach or mountains? Mountains
Snow ski or water ski? Snow ski
Skateboard or bike? Skate
Nerd or cool? Cool I guess
Mozart or Beethoven? Mozart
Tattooed or clean-cut? Not too tatooed
Abercrombie and Fitch or Hot Topic? Both are pretty gay but I'd go hot topic
Myspace or Facebook? Fuck them both
Job? Kinda inbetween
Ambition? Psychologist
Marital status? Uhhh I dont get it
Manner of dress? Whatever the fuck I want
Hair style? Long and parted
Fear? Ignorance
Hate? Arrogance and Ignorance
Regret? ....
Wish? More than I can count
Thoughts? I'm out of my mind
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

I'd like to meet:

Just about anybody who wants to get to know me as wellView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


I listen to just about anything and everything, except cuntry


Nightmare Before Christmas Donnie Darko The Illusionist Across The Universe 300 Forest Gump I Am Sam Detroit Rock City I Am Ledgend


Stephen King, Darren Shan, William Shakespeare, Alice Walker, Anything thats a good read


My parents, my brother Kiegan, Bernard James Muschinski III, Tarin Unicorn Gniazdowski (cuz she's such a pimp), anyone who can change the world for the better with only words =]