Member Since: 8/20/2007
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Awakening Sydney: has grown momentum over the pasttwo years as the young adults who gathered in '07 and '08 have scattered abroad determined to let God change theirhearts for His Glory. Awakening '07 was for many a call to refocus their faith; to know and love Jesus as theirSaviour and find their joy for life in Him.'08 was exemplary and encouraging for us to let our hearts be directedtoward God, and thus, our hands to His people.
"Awaken this Love" is simply this:: the prayer and passion of young adults all overSydney and the world who desire that the little-'g' gods in our life be replaced by the all-satisfying,all-consuming, great God - Jesus Christ. That we would begin to comprehend and trust in the amazing LOVE ofChrist, shown to us in his wrath-absorbing death. A love for Him, His church and this world, is the love that wedesire to be continually awoken to.
Voices to Note::
Robert Guerrero - Currently residing in the Dominican Republic, Robert oversees a thriving urban mission-focusedchurch which he started nearly 15 years ago. His church's mission statement includes "inspiring others towardswholistic mission" and this is exactly what we can expect from him at Awakening next year. He has also featured at Bill Hybels church at Willow Creek for a Justice may not of heard of Robert but he will truly bless you with his heart and message!
Also featuring:: Phil Pringle, Josh Kelsey, Joe Pringle, Georgie Kelsey and Steve Burgess
With the platform for Worship and Justice solidly set accompanied by the likes of RobertGuerrero, you need to do everything you can to get to Awakening 09 Sydney.
In taking the Awakening conference abroad,: howcould we miss one of the most established cities in the world - London. Ancient in age, first-class in culture andinfluence, London leads the Western world in religion, literature, politics and thought. With the rise ofNeo-Paganism, this corner of our globe is quickly being labelled ‘Post-Christian’, but without His sovereign handit will never be. Somebody tell Coldplay that when we see God come in our garden...our hearts will be open to hearwhat he says. Awakening 09 London will melt the snow from your clothes and bring life back to your winter fingersand toes.
Dave Gilpin is the Senior Pastor of Hope City Church, established in 1991. Dave and his team also look after ‘TheMegacentre’, a community and enterprise facility designed to add value to and bring hope to the 2500 people thatwalk through its doors every week. Dave will challenge how you see church and play your part in it, while alsoinspiring you to action within your community.
Also featuring:: James Herbertson (the C3i regional director for Europe) and JoshKelsey (the Young Adult’s Pastor at C3 Oxford Falls). Worshiping with us will be Dylan Thomas from the HillsongNext Gen team as well as Awaken worship team from Sydney.
Check our for more information and register online today.:
Why is Awakening coming to New York?
The Awakening Conference, despite its name, does not suppose to be an 'old-school, tent-revival meeting' of sorts.It simply exists to awaken every young adult to the reality of Christ, that they would live to give complete gloryto God, causing a worldwide revolution of faith, hope and love. Since its beginnings in 2007, Awakening has beengraced by God to do just that. Churches, young adult movements and countless college-age ministries have been bornout of Awakening moments.
New York is an exciting city. Not just because of its magical metropolitan lifestyle or mysterious global à lamode status, but because there are young adults within her that love her and desire to see this city a city whereGod is glorified above fame, consumerism and success. Awakening ’09 will join in on this discussion and set thepace for Christ exalting ventures across the country.
With the voices of:
Francis Chan is the most down-to-earth American preacher you'll ever meet, and he’s flying in from LA for theevent. This guy is so Jesus-centred and such a brilliant, contextual orator that we know his messages will impactour lives forever. This is Francis' first event in '09 so be prepared for some well considered, challenging ideasthat will push you into 2009 with a gospel-or-nothing attitude. Mr Chan has been a keynote speaker at the Passionevents for many years and runs a church in Simi Valley, California. Check out
Stephen Hickson preaches at Times Square in the morning and Union Square at night. The C3 church that Stephenpastors is right-smack-bang in the heart of NYC. This incredible lead pastor will change the way you view yourcity and help you articulate the gospel to most appropriately and effectively evangelise and disciple the streetsyou live in.
New York will also feature Josh and Georgie Kelsey and Awaken Worship team.
Awakening New York is only US$40...: cheaper than lunch for you and a friend. So goahead, register online today.
Record Label: Christian City Church
Type of Label: Indie