slamhond was formed in 1992 by josh todd who later today is lead singer of band buckcherry.slamhound was signed to a new record label, skydoor records, without consulting a lawyer in 1993. tensions in the band developed due to their inability to release a record, which eventually led to the wondering if thats why the band split."chaos personified" is a collection of slamhound demos and assorted tracks the band used to give away for free back in the day.other slamhound tracks are floating around on bootleg recordings and videos, which are hard to find but well worth it. even if it is just to see josh’s questionable hair and barely tattoeed body. although slamhound is not around anymore back in the day they were a hit. playing in well know hollywood la places like the whiskey,roxy,viper room. in a interview josh todd claims that ’’the band had broke up because of drugs and girls’’ during slamhound they had many bass players some would come and go but one of them died of a heroin overdose just after joining then eric essex the actual bass player came into the band and stayed for a long time until the band split.sean kelley was the original drummer. he quit the band in mid 1993, and slamhound went through several other drummers, supposedly including bones of LA guns. sean went back to college after he quit the band and worked as a stockbroker for ameritrade in omaha. in 1999, he was in a band called spongebath which has since broken sinclair was the guitar player. in 1999 he had a band called church of mars, but that has since disappeared. he is supposedly still living in LA. and of course, the vocalist was josh todd. josh gained fame with buckcherry in the late 90s, and after their breakup embarked on a short solo career. founding members of buckcherry, josh todd and keith nelson, have since reunited and are enjoying success with their new lineup. since then josh quit the drugs and alcohol (which i dont think is true)saying that he had to because a woman he knocked up in the early 90’s had his first child sutherlan and he wanted to be a good rolemodel. and josh has moved on. he is now married to mitzi martin(actress and model) and has two children lives in la and travels the world on tour with buckcherry and still lives the life of rock and roll music!!
now thats just some of the background of it=)
feel free to add the songs
if you want to hear more slamhound songs just send me a message on the slamhound page!
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Member Since: 20/08/2007
Band Website: josh todd
Band Members: josh todd-vocals
paris sinclair-lead guitar
eric essex-bass player
sean kelley-drummer
Record Label: skydoor records