Stuff about me:
I really hate filling out 'about me' boxes.
I love peanut butter.
I always run yellow lights.
I can make a pie from scratch.
I like cleaning the tub.
I eat cereal for dinner all the time.
I talk with my hands.
I love olives.
Im the youngest of three girls.
I snort when I laugh.
I'm from a small town.
People that ask "is red your real name?" irritate me.
I think everything tastes better when its barbequed.
I cant start my day till I make my bed.
I hate the telephone.
I went to Brock.
I went to Niagara.
I went to school too long.
"If you can eat it with a fork you can eat it with hot sauce" is my motto.
I hate road rage.
I love those pretzels you get at the mall.
I love coffee.
I drink too much coffee.
I love running.
I think everything is a dirty joke.
I say 'obnoxious' too much.
I have 5 pillows on my bed but I sleep on my arm.
Im shy.
Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.
I actually like the taste of beer.
I would drink swiss chalet sauce if i could.
I have a twang, not an accent.
I like pumping my own gas.
I love the food network.
I enjoy going grocery shopping.
I think I should have became a truck driver.
Slow walkers annoy me.
I think meat pies are tasty.
I love suduko puzzles.
I am addicted to chocolate.
Paying $5 for toilet paper annoys me. Its just flushed anyways.
My parents make the best homemade pickles.
I have the cutest nephew.
I wish candy cane ice cream was available all year.
My sister reads this once a day to check for updates. Hello Nicole. :)
I want a boston terrier.